As reported by the TimesLeader, in a speech to a Pentecostal church in Pennsylvania, Melissa Fryrear went beyond “no one is born gay”:
Fryrear said “everyone is created heterosexual” and said many women are gay because they’re searching for a mother figure or because they have been sexually abused by a man. She said some women are gay because it’s “en vogue.”
Fryrear also said that gay people should be welcomed in church but not allowed positions of leadership. No mention was made as to whether this would apply to ex-gay leaders.
Her mouth may say one thing, but her butch facial characteristics says the opposite.
This is always the answer to the “love the homosexual, hate the sin” crowd.
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” Mahatma Ghandhi
Melissa Fryrear also refused to answer directly the question about her current sexual orientation.
You were asked two very simple questions, Melissa:
How are you different from someone who is bisexual?
What proportion of your sexual attractions are drawn toward men versus women?
“I’m attracted to men, particularly tall men with red hair.”Right… I’m also “attracted” to a decent Shiraz. But I’m not attracted in that way.This was a direct and clear question of Melissa, one that any mature straight women would have no problems answering; yet this adult woman does a weird giggle and then procedes to a slippery answer. As Timothy would say — for a Christian, to deliberately mislead is tantamount to lying.Despite the fact this is a valid line of questioning, I’m also a little leary about how this gets asked — fearing that some may be so desperate to “prove” their “qualifications” that they’d actually go and get married to some sucker. And distort two lives. I know, I know — you hardly need to be a professional exgay to do that, but the pressure must be quite immense for those that are.Many years ago we we’re asked a very similar question, eductating the masses in a pub over beers (as you do).We agreed that many women are beautiful. So are sunsets. We further volunteered that we’re “attracted” to all our straight male friends. The crowd went a little quiet, as we expected… But, well, durh, people… if these were not interesting, funny, loyal, etc men — ie attractive in so many different ways — they would not be our friends. Did we want to jump the bones of any of them? Ewwhhh! No thanks!(The beery discussion evolved into a looong conversation about friendships, whether they were truly possible (platonically) between men and women… you can imagine. I think we solved all the World’s problems that evening, but had also all forgotten our brilliant ideas by the morning.)
This “we are all heterosexuals” is something also promoted by — no medical qualifactions needed — Tim Wilkins. Here’s an example at BPress.At his own site, is a rather astounding article called Cruel Joke or Medical Anomaly?” that poses the utterly absurd:
Apparently, this is so because we all have either a working penis or a working vagina. (Intersex people are presumed to not exist, I guess)The most obvious retort is that on that brittle reasoning everyone is therefore “physiologically homosexual”.(And PS: Tim Wilkin’s wants to reassure us that he till LOVES us homosexuals, Pt 1 and Pt 2. So don’t take his insulting termininolgy to heart…)
Haha – I immediately thought of Tim Wilkins’ ridiculous claim too, Grantdale.
Did anyone notice that Melissa delivered this gem to 60 people in a backwoods Pentecostal Church in a place called Trucksville?
/snort! Perhaps Melissa fumbled because the mere mention of the word “Truck” induced a flashback?Or then’s there the curiously named “Back Mountain Harvest Assembly” church… Obviously a congregation that has recently come into some money, and “Broke” no more!
“Without question, I’m attracted to men, particularly tall men with red hair,”
Well, who can blame her? Red-headed men are hot! 😀
Well, who can blame her? Red-headed men are hot! 😀
I dunno, I kinda prefer the brown or black headed bunch over red or blond hair.
Another ex-gay-for-pay.
Wonder what she’d have to say to an honorary gay person like me?
I find these intrinsicist arguments presented by the ‘Exgay’ groups to be funny. Imagine, if you will, that I told you atoms must come only in hydrogen form, and that any other form is wrong or unnatural. Yet, if that followed the the vast majority of atoms in our Universe are ‘perverted.’ Mind you, I’m not trying to use GE Moore’s Naturalistic Fallacy since I think it’s partially off-base, but none the less the argument by ‘Exgay’ groups often follows the form of presupposing what is natural and presupposing that which is natural is good.
Chlorine gas is natural, therefore it’s good? Cancer is natural, therefore it’s good? In this view, goodness cannot be linked to naturalness, neither have anything to do with each other when taking the proper view of the definition of Nature; the collection of all that which was/is/will-be. Thus, one cannot assume being gay, or being a non-hydrogen atom is any more good or any more evil than any other combination on the grounds of un/naturalness.
— Bridget