After posting my recent open letter to Alan Chambers I was privately contacted by an Exodus staffer regarding my seemingly logical, but incorrect assumption Exodus is trying to minister to gay and lesbian people. I’m not alone in assuming Exodus is trying to reach gay and lesbian people, since blog Some Guys Are Normal said the exact same thing recently. The Exodus staffer who contacted me wished to remind me their mission statement says nothing of ministering to gay people. Sure enough if you go to Exodus’ web page their mission statement reads:

Proclaiming to, educating and impacting the world with the Biblical truth that freedom from homosexuality is possible when Jesus is Lord of one’s life.

Now the question becomes, if Exodus isn’t proclaiming this freedom to gay people then what’s the point of proclaiming it to the heteros? More so, how does working to actively roll-back civil rights fall within that mission statement?

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