In keeping consistent with their anti-gay, pro-ex-gay agenda, the Washington Times has another non-news article about the Spitzer report. The excuse for this article was coverage of a forum by’s, the group arguing for accurate sex education in Maryland. Nothing at the forum was reported but rather reporter Jon Ward blathers on (incorrectly at times) about the Spitzer report, instead:

Interviewing 200 former homosexuals, Dr. Spitzer conducted the study in response to a request by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 2000 to determine the risks and benefits of “reparative therapy.”

My understanding is that there was no request by the APA to determine the risks and benefits of reparative therapy. The study was made at the request of ex-gay activists Spitzer had met. I don’t have a link for that, so feel free to correct me.

The majority of the article was dedicated to how reputable Spitzer is and how his study found that some homosexuals “can and do change.” The sole argument against the findings in the study, as reported, was:

But speakers at a Sunday forum sponsored by dismissed the Spitzer study.

Dr. Paul A. Wertsch of the American Medical Association (AMA) said the study was biased because it drew most of its subjects from ex-gay therapists or ministries.

“I don’t think it’s a very good study,” said Dr. Wertsch, who heads the AMA’s committee on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Matters.

There was no further elaboration on how biased the study was with many of the “successes” actually having employment dependant on being a success. No mention was made of the methodology (a single phone call, no face-to-face, no follow up) or how Spitzer is unhappy with the inaccurate reporting of his survey.

Tucked into the middle of the discussion about Spitzer and his report was the following:

Earlier this year, PFOX and the county parents group Citizens for a Responsible Curriculum filed a lawsuit against the county school system, saying its sex-education course discriminated against certain religions and promoted homosexuality.

A federal judge ruled in favor of the lawsuit, and schools Superintendent Jerry D. Weast scrapped the course and the citizens advisory panel that helped develop it.

Without saying so, the Ward suggests that the judge validated Spitzer’s report, which is deceptive, at best.

And Ward gets in his parting shot:

Dr. Wertsch did not mention any other studies of ex-gays at Sunday’s forum on Sunday.

In 2002, researchers Ariel Shidlo and Michael Schroeder recruited 182 men and 20 women for a study on the negative effects of reparative therapy. They found that 176 subjects said reparative therapy was harmful, while 26 said it was successful.

Ward actually reported in his “news” article the details of a report that wasn’t discussed at the meeting he was covering. It isn’t often that a legitimate news report tells you what WASN’T discussed. Not unless, of course, it is a hopelessly biased article trying to make a point.

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