Actor Anne Heche’s mother, Nancy Heche, is a speaker for Focus on the Family’s antigay roadshow, Love Won Out.

Queerty found an August statement attributed to Anne on a message board of Part of the statement is excerpted below.

The “Ex-gay” events that are going on right now make me sick. The fact that my mother is using my name to promote this movement makes me even sicker. I could not disagree more adamanty [sic] with what she and her group of unloving, unaccepting, [sic] Bible preaching hate mongers are doing. I do not believe that homosexuality is something that should be brainwashed out of someone. I do not believe that homosexuality should be anything but celebrated if that is the thing that makes an individual feel good about their life. I believe, as I have always said, that people should love who they want to love.

The source — a discussion forum — is admittedly dubious, but one assumes posts falsely attributed to Anne on her own web site would be promptly deleted. Ex-Gay Watch inquired with the site about the statement’s validity: No response yet.

Gay author and activist Wayne Besen thanks Anne for her repudiation of Nancy, and links to a New York Daily News gossip brief quoting Anne’s statement and to an earlier article by Besen recalling Anne’s allegations of abusive parenting by Nancy Heche.

Update: I emailed the WHOIS administrative contact listed for to verify authenticity. I received the following email excerpt dated 09-21-05:

Anne said through her husband that it was fine for me to confirm that she wrote that statement personally, as well as anything else on her official site that shows her name.

-Preston Bealle

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