According to, Chambers spoke April 6 — Pride Week — at Central Michigan University.
Taking a strategy from the playbook of [garble] Bar’s fundraiser/protest of Rev. Fred Phelps when he came to Ann Arbor in 2001, CMU’s Gay-Straight Alliance sent out emails asking LGBT community members and allies to make a monetary pledge for each minute that Chambers spoke.
The total raised so far? “Well over $1,200,” for Chambers’ ninety-four minute talk, according to the GSA’s Vice President Phil Reese.
Volunteers distributed HRC ex-exgay literature outside the chapel.
“We did it in a very respectful, non-confrontational manner,” said Reese. “There were conversations going on outside the door until late into the night, and they were very friendly – there was no screaming. We got a lot of people a lot of very useful, tangible information.” …
“We support the right of the Lutheran Student Fellowship and Exodus to their own beliefs and expression,” he said. “However, we felt it was kind of mean-spirited to bring this to Pride Week.”
Unfortunately, according to the Rev. Eric A. Stone, exgay or antigay thieves stole a banner that the gay-tolerance groups had posted (with permission) to welcome Chambers.
I think the donation thing is a little bit strange, especially because Chambers isn’t spewing the hate or vitriol that Phelps is. Then again, I have to think it is quite odd that he would be invited in during Pride Week. It’s almost as if it were planned as a slap in the face to gays and their supporters. Kind of like, “celebrate all you want, but during your celebration, we are here to tell you how sinful you are.”