Demanding free speech for themselves, antigay parents in inland California on Feb. 11 angrily protested free expression by high school students who chose to support gay marriage by acting out such ceremonies as a form of political protest.

While many may view the students’ tactic as counterproductive, it is arguably less offensive — and more solidly protected as a form of free speech — than Michael Marcavage’s efforts to shout down speakers and disrupt celebrations at a gay entertainment festival in Philadelphia.

Years ago, Exodus official Randy Thomas might have counseled such parents to reflect the love and compassion of Jesus instead of anger, contempt and rejection. No longer: Now an antitolerance advocate, Thomas follows the example of the California parents in his blog.

Thomas joins fellow blogger Peter Ould in accusing moderately gay-tolerant Canadian Anglican church authorities of being in "denial" about inclusivity, after the officials rejected ex-gay efforts to inject off-topic remarks into a discussion about same-sex blessings. Thomas should be more careful with such accusations: His blog entry seems to be in denial about his church’s exclusion of gay believers in Jesus.

Should ex-gays have a voice — one among many — in the churches? Certainly.

Are the resentments and word games of ex-gay activists like Thomas pertinent in the lives and blessings of Christian gay couples — particularly when Thomas has expressed a desire to silence openly gay believers within the church? Perhaps not.

Thomas, Ould, Prof. Warren Throckmorton, and others are understandably upset when people tell them to "shut up." Unfortunately, Thomas has in recent years developed the unflattering habit of telling "liberals," "elites" and Christian gay couples to do just that.

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