I finally found a newsstand copy of the May issue of Out magazine, featuring an interview with antiabortion activist Randall Terry’s gay son Jamiel. I’ll have more to say about the Out article early next week.
You will recall that Randall pressured Jamiel to turn himself in to Love In Action — or Jamiel begged Randall to send him to LIA, depending on who you believe.
LIA is a live-in therapy program which is considered by many of its survivors to be a fanatical cult. Among those survivors is singer Jallen Rix. Here’s Jallen’s story of endurance, courtesy of Evangelicals Concerned.
For more info:
Articles featuring John Evans, ex-ex-gay co-founder of Love in Action
Well, Mr. Terry is at it again, with another lovely commentary on World Nut Daily. In this one, he basically states that “Christians” cannot live alongside gay people and just let us be, which is just sad.
“If you have a family member who is an alcoholic or drug addict, do you tell them: “Congratulations! What a great life choice! I’m so happy for you as long as you’re happy. All I want is that you be happy!”?
Of course not. Because you love them, you say: “I love you. Please get help. I’ll help you in any way I can. Don’t destroy your life with this addiction. Don’t continue in this suicidal behavior. I love you, and I want you to be alive and healed and free. I’ll stand with you while you get help.”
We must apply these sentiments to homosexual behavior in a loved one.”
Some more excerpts:
“Homosexual behavior is suicide on the installment plan.
Homosexual behavior is a sexual addiction – complete with all the cause-and-effect issues that accompany other addictions. Homosexual behavior is a degrading, self abusive behavior that mars the body and the soul. It is wrong. And it is a behavior that is chosen.”
or this one:
“We are in the dangerous place in our history where homosexual fanatics have browbeaten many of us into accepting their behavior, even though most of us know it is self-destructive. To say homosexuals qualify for marriage because of their sexual addiction is like telling drug addicts their drug addiction qualifies them to be pharmacists.
But more simply put: Homosexual behavior is wrong because it violates the way our Creator made the world, and the Laws He gave us. This brings me to the most important part of this article: The Name, the Person, and the Standards of God.”
At least he acknowledges that his idea of “God” is central to his opposition to his own son:
“Because absent the Created order and standards of the Almighty, there is no reason to oppose same-sex-marriage. Why should we deny two consenting people who love each other the right to be married?
The arguments against homosexual marriage involving children (having or raising them) won’t hold up. Older couples who marry cannot have children. And children are raised in homes without two natural parents every day. Sometimes a grandparent raises a child. These scenarios might not be optimum, but it is done by millions every day.
Arguments over “traditional marriage” are also of little value. We’ve had a lot of traditions that needed changing. This could be another one. Traditions are important, unless they stand in the way of liberty. Moreover, who is to say which tradition is the best? America’s, or ancient Greece’s or ancient Rome’s, where they openly practiced homosexuality?
The reason we oppose homosexual marriage is because it violates the way God made the world – it attacks the institution He created; it betrays and defies the Laws He gave us.”
Absent from this diatribe is any understanding that some people have a different, and much more humane understanding, of God.
Whole article can be found at: https://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=38700
Actually he is hoist on his own petard. Unless and until he becomes Ayatollah, and we become a totally fascist theocracy, there is no reason to oppose SSM. Under a pluralistic system his argument has the legs cut totally out from under it. AND, he as much as admits it.
I feel sorry for his son.
Randall’s rhetoric is vile. That old crap denying this is a civil rights issue by saying “You don’t choose the color of your skin, but you do choose where to stick the parts of your body” is so insidious – but makes sense to folks who can’t or won’t understand the concept of sexual orientation. Using his son as a flashpoint in his crusade is evil beyond words. I think God is royally pissed.
By his twisted reckoning all of life is “suicide” on an installment plan. Got news for ya Randall, hun, even you will die whether you’ve had sex with another man or not. (and somehow I suspect you have)
We all have a primitive fear of death…millions of years of evolution ensure that it isn’t going away anytime soon. What I’m sick of is these inbred sociopaths like Jerry Pat and Randall exploiting it to turn the country into a Saudi-style theocracy. Homosexuality a “Deathstyle”? So is attending a baptist church! They all die in the end too! (oh wait, but those people get into heaven when they die and the rest of us don’t. right. please excuse my misunderstanding) Unfortunately the megachurch attending zombies are breeding faster than everyone else, so expect the problem to get worse before it gets better. It might take a major upheaval for social conditions to again favor selection of genes for intelligence.