Village Voice writer Michael Musto accused an unnamed ex-gay activist of making overtures to him, when both happened to be in the green room for a taping of Geraldo Rivera’s show. (Thanks to Jim Barber for the link.)
Actually, Musto didn’t exactly use the word “overture.” What he did say isn’t printable in a family-values blog such as XGW.
Who was this ex-gay activist? The only ex-gay that I find among Geraldo’s recent guests is Stephen Bennett. However, there could have been others.
The creepy-crawly, somewhat dubious scenario painted by Musto reminds me of my own unsettling invitation onto Geraldo’s show. A decade ago, a Geraldo producer wanted me to tell the nation that an experimental vaccine had ruined my health.
While the thought of becoming famous for five minutes was tempting, I told Geraldo’s front man that my health was fine, thank you, and declined the invitation.
Perhaps Stephen Bennett should have done the same thing.
You never cease to amaze me… I can’t even believe I’m wasting my time responding to this junk. I can’t believe you waste your time writing about this stuff — do you work for a living??? Don’t you have anything better to do with your time? Yes, it was me in the green room with my wife by my side. Yes, I went up to Musto and said hello, recognizing him from television. But hitting on him??? C’mon.. Musto better get over his self. I hate to break his bubble – but how a friendly hello can be perceived into anything more just goes to show what homosexuals always have on their minds. Sorry to let you down Michael — my wife is much prettier. SB
And whatever transpired in that green room, Mr. Bennett’s statement above proves yet again that some ex-gays attack gays on the basis of nothing more than stupid, hateful stereotypes. Michael Musto is one person — an individual. Damning all homosexuals because of one human’s behavior is wrong and most unChristian. And it doesn’t leave Mr. Bennett with much in the way of credibility.
The linked Village Voice article spoke for itself: Musto is a gossip — and a bit foul-mouthed to boot. Gossips stretch the truth; I suppose it’s their job.
Unfortunately, you gossip, too, Stephen — about homosexuals whom you haven’t met. The Geraldo green room is not the only place where your political strategy has backfired. It happened on O’Reilly, also. In both cases, you apparently sought to gossip against homosexuals as a class, but either the host or another guest gossiped against you instead. I don’t consider that just; I simply consider the entire culture war a waste of time.
Since you seem to agree that culture war is a waste of time, Stephen, I encourage you to join me in trusting God, not war, to solve our disagreements.
Which was precisely the point of my original message:
Your tendency to gossip damages your Christian witness, Stephen. True Christian witness requires that you tell the world how Christ has changed you for the better. False witness occurs if you stereotype and insult vast categories of other people — people whom God loves just as much as He loves you.
I pray that someday, Stephen, you will discover ways to minister that are pleasing to God.
It’s fairly obvious to anyone paying attention that Bennett’s ministry is to his bank account.
“his self”? Oh, jeez.