Michael Hamar points out one of John Aravosis’ sites, HateCrime.org, which compares the factoids used by Nazi German propagandists to justify discrimination against Jewish people, with the soundbites used today by Robert Knight (formerly of the Family Research Council, now with Concerned Women for America) to justify discrimination against gay people.

The comparison has been online for a few years, and I’m usually hesitant to draw connections between any political cause and the convenient bogeyman of Nazism. But I think the propaganda comparison is worth noting at the moment, since Exodus spokesman Randy Thomas recently associated gay equal rights with Nazism.

The comparison between CWFA/FRC language and pre-WWII Nazi language seems more substantive to me than the claims by Thomas and exgay activist Scott Lively that ultra-rightist Nazism derived its power from supposedly “liberal” homosexuality. But at the same time, I hope that groups like HateCrime.org will broaden their historical perspective.

The world suffered under many genocidal monsters during the 20th century: Cambodia’s Pol Pot, China’s Mao Xedong, Guatemala’s Rios Montt, the apartheid government of South Africa, and sub-Saharan despots. In the 21st century, new monsters are emerging: Islamic fundamentalists who espouse the slaughter of millions of people deemed politically and theologically incorrect.

Do some culture warriors inherit their beliefs and messages from monsters of the past? No doubt. But playing the Nazi card has limited utility in a modern world of diverse and complicated problems.

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