Go read the Gay People’s Chronicle, Cleveland, Nov. 21.
Note, Aug. 22, 2004: The remainder of this message was a short excerpt from the article; XGW made no additional comment. For the sake of brevity, I’ve deleted the excerpt because the complete article is still online. Prof. Warren Throckmorton’s response to the article, mentioned by Steve B. below (last December), is worth reading for what it disputes — and what it doesn’t dispute.
Banning same-gender partnerships period, or benefits for same-gender partnerships? It’s an important difference.
Wow, they listed some truly hateful people. Linda Harvey would scare me if she had the power and influence she wanted.
Dr. Throckmorton posted a response to the above piece by Eric Resnick at his new site. You can read the full text, or these excerpts:
I’m perplexed by Dr. Throckmorton’s suggestion that the film crew’s credibility would be undermined if it turned out they were ex-gay themselves. Throckmorton’s career is focused on asserting that the lives of ex-gays are authentic and healthy — what would preclude his clients from being credible?
Dr. Throckmorton has also posted the full text of his testimony before the Juvenile and Family Law Committee of the Ohio House of Representatives.
Earlier on the same page, he noted that an observer at the hearing had shouted “Seig Heil” after each person’s testimony and later called him a “jesus nazi”. Dr. Throckmorton closes his response with:
I sent Dr. Throckmorton a friendly email pointing out that XGW had linked to and excerpted the Resnick piece without analyzing, qualifying, or affirming it, and that we disagreed that trusting our readers to judge the credibility of our sources for themselves amounts to being “presented as gospel.” I mentioned my disappointment with the observer’s use of Nazi metaphors given that they are generally the result of lazy, uncritical thinking.
He replied affably, sticking pretty closely to his initial point: “If the gay press as represented by the Gay Peoples Chronicle is the main place people get their information, there is next to no chance they will form accurate perceptions.”
Even if the good doctor doesn’t, we trust you, dear readers, to think critically, question sources (including ours), and not take everything you read as gospel.