Relayed to XGW by Wayne Besen:

The Dallas Voice reported two weeks ago that an ex-ex-gay man, Mark Hufford, has dropped a lawsuit against Texas ex-gay counselor Christopher Joe Austin, and is seeking to drop criminal charges of sexual assault.

[Hufford] says he has now come to grips with his sexual orientation and forgiven the psychologist. “I’ve just come to a place where I’m fine with who I am,” said Mark Hufford, who filed a civil suit against the psychologist in 2002 in connection with the alleged assault. “I don’t need to change. I’m not going to try to fix something that’s not broken.” …

Hufford, 43, said he has forgiven the psychologist and wanted to move on.

Mr. Austin is a “homosexual recovery” counselor at Church of Christ South MacArthur in Irving, Texas.

From the church’s Singles Program page:

Dr. Chris Austin teaches our class. He has his PhD in marriage and family therapy. Chris challenges us each week to seek God and to build our relationship in him more each day. The class is an open discussion format where all are welcome to share. Please keep in mind that this is an adult class where we talk about real world situations and topics. You will be stretched to pray, study, think for yourself and grow in God’s love.

Special Note: Grady D. King to Teach Class

Our preacher will be teaching our class the next four weeks. Chris Austin is taking a sabbatical from teaching for a few months. We will have various adult teachers in four-six week blocks.

The Dallas district attorney’s office told the Dallas Voice that charges involving sexual assault and child pornography remain pending against Austin, after police allegedly found child porn on Austin’s computer. An April 2002 Dallas Voice article details the allegations.

The April 2002 article reported that Hufford was married with children and sought help from the church in overcoming his orientation. But the new article reports:

[Hufford:] “I would hope that [Austin] gets the help he needs, and that he can be honest with his wife and church and family about what happened and not continue to lie,” Hufford said.

Hufford said that he suspects Austin will use discussion of the lawsuits and the resolution to his advantage in an effort to resume his ex-gay ministry.

Hufford said that he has been dating a man for seven months and has accepted his sexual orientation for the first time in his life. He recently quit seeing a psychologist who “opposes homosexuality,” he said.

Hufford credits Wayne Besen for helping him discover that he was not alone in being sexually and emotionally abused by ex-gay counselors.

Church of Christ South MacArthur has generally refrained from comment on the matter.

Update, March 26, 2006: Mark Hufford confirms to Ex-Gay Watch that his own charges were dropped, and he believes child-porn charges were dismissed on a technicality.

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