A few hours’ drive south of the Exodus national office, an 18-year-old gay Christian student and his mother are suing his Jupiter, Fla., private high school after it outed and expelled him.

From the Sun-Sentinel:

Jeffrey Woodard said Jupiter Christian School expelled him three
days after his instructor pulled him out of Bible class on Aug. 15 and asked
him in confidence if he is gay.

When Woodard answered “yes,” a school official called his mother and demanded that Woodard submit to ex-gay counseling, withdraw from school, or face expulsion.

“It was just completely wrong,” said Woodard, who had attended the
school for three years, adding that the teacher “outed” him before he was

The school subsequently declined to provide a written explanation for the expulsion; the school’s student handbook does not offer homosexuality as a justification for expulsion.

Human Rights Council Chairman Dan Hall said he has dealt with a
“dozen” identical issues regarding gay students and private schools over the
past two years.

Gload is the first parent to go public with her story, he said.

Several years ago, an Exodus board member, Tom Cole, sought to forge a cooperative effort with GLSEN to stop bullying in schools. He was criticized by other Exodus board members and ministry leaders — and spurned by GLSEN. He later withdrew his open offer, as GLSEN’s permissive views on sex education and youth sexuality became apparent and made headlines.

Today, Exodus neither offers nor endorses programs to discourage the bullying, or expulsion, of gay youth — closeted or otherwise.

Also covered at: billandkent.com

Nov 12. Update: The school has responded to the lawsuit, accusing the student of poor grades and telling other students about his sexual orientation. The school says “sexual immorality” is forbidden in the student handbook, and reassures the public that it is not antigay, just anti-sin.

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