An old acquaintance of mine, Johanna, notes in fairness to the PFOX webmaster that his lengthy 1/10/2002 death threat against homosexuals is a parody or spoof of this 1987 battle cry by Michael Swift.

I wish to thank Johanna for providing the link to Swift, since I’d lost track of it long ago.

But how obvious is the parody? And shouldn’t the PFOX webmaster make clear that it’s parody? And is this kind of parody appropriate for a ministry of parents and ex-spouses that publicly claims to seek tolerance and support for ex-gays?

I welcome feedback.

Comments submitted to XGW’s former blog location:

Parody or not, the virulent tone of the P-Fox webmaster’s “satire” is in keeping with the rest of his incendiary site. If Mr. Swift’s diatribe suggests a deranged mind (and in my opninion it does), the P-Fox webmaster’s treatment of it does no less.

—Brett • 5/14/03; 8:23:13 AM

Mike, I totally agree. To put it mildly, I think ex-gays&friends could choose far better things to imitate from the other side than this. 🙂 And yes, hateful parody of hate is hateful, no doubt about that. I think the whole tone of the site is rather messed up. I didn’t intend my comments in any sense to be a defense of BBT.
I just thought that the fact that it is a parody might be a relevant bit of context here.

—Johanna • 5/15/03; 8:26:19 AM

I figured you would agree, Johanna, and I also agree that the parody factor is relevant. Thanks for prodding me on it.

—Mike A. • 5/15/03; 3:57:38 PM

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