Writing for Exodus, exgay activist Nancy Brown complains that gay-tolerant and antigay activists were treated unequally at two separate events in two different states. Tolerance activists were tolerated, Brown complains; antigay activists allegedly were not. From her example of the…
Conservative gay law professor and columnist Dale Carpenter debated gay marriage with Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family on Sept. 16 at the University of Minnesota. While providing support to Focus on the Family’s exgay “Love Won Out” road…
I noted some time ago that the exgay network Exodus and some of its political allies periodically associate gay equality under the law with Nazism. I briefly connected this habit of the religious right with a web site by John…
Gay Intolerance of Christians in Sweden?
Numerous culture warriors in July pointed to Sweden’s enforcement of laws against antigay defamation as proof that all gay activists are intolerant of antigay Christians. (Google search of news articles and rants.) Exodus spokesman Randy Thomas was quick to judge…
Ex-Gay Tim Wilkins: Bridge-Builder?
Ex-gay activist Tim Wilkins of Wake Forest, N.C., spotlights an effort that he made to establish friendly rapport with gay activists in Tucson, Ariz. His effort and his hospitality are admirable; his uncharitable characterization of the equality activists as “militant”…
Anti-gay Parents Say Satire = Evidence
The Thames Valley District school board in London, Ontario was considering expanding its safe schools program to include gay and lesbian students. A parents group, STOP (Simply Truths Our Priority) objected by presenting a 300-page compilation of Internet “research”. One…
‘Gestapo’ Language And Ex-Gay Tolerance
Andrew Sullivan is widely regarded among conservatives as an example of tolerance and accommodation. He addresses antigay individuals and arguments on a case-by-case basis. He limits his generalizations and makes an effort not to resort to sweeping insults. Is it…
Exodus: Speaking for God
Exodus spokesman Randy Thomas reports: Evelyn Reilly of the Massachusetts Policy Institute invited Alan Chambers and I to share our testimonies as a panel before the Massachusetts state judiciary committee. Not quite true. Evelyn Reilly works for the Massachusetts Family…
Evangelizing Those You Misunderstand
A survey of U.S. evangelical leaders finds that they: are grossly misinformed about Islamic beliefs and practices; and are determined to evangelize and convert Muslims anyway. It was good to see, at least, that 54 percent of those surveyed believe…
Exodus: Gays, Be Noisy?
The exgay umbrella group Exodus now protests when gays are silent. (Of course, the organization objects when gays speak out, too.) In recent years, the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has advocated for self-determination and safety among gay…