There is nothing we could add to this except the hope that members of both parties would have such courage. Full Story in LA Times
As a follow-up to our previous post on this matter, we have gathered more information in our investigation of claims made by Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX) here. Yesterday, we spoke with Jackie Abrams, Vice Chair of…
This past Tuesday, PFOX posted some disturbing news. While innocently offering “materials on same-sex attraction and tolerance for the ex-gay community to a hungry public” at the Arlington County Fair, Arlington Va (Aug 15-19), they claim their representatives were viciously…
Jews Offering New Alternatives to Homosexuality (JONAH) appears to stand alone as the only Jewish ex-gay organization in the country. With a fairly substantial online library, rabbinical commentary, and even an option to read the site in Hebrew, JONAH is…
In a June 21 press release, ex-gay network Exodus International claimed that it “welcomes dialogue on homosexuality” when Exodus and a new network of former ex-gays hold rival conferences later this month in southern California. Exodus president Alan Chambers said:…
Wrapping It Up: What I’ve Learned-Part III
My experience with ex-gays, ex-gay ministry, and vicariously, with reparative therapy, changed me because it was a learning experience. I’ve always been honest about the fact that change is a relative term with decidedly religious overtones. Furthermore, while I hesitate…
Sexual Harassment, Civil Rights, And ENDA
I’ve been the victim of sexual harassment. Near the end of my 20-year, U.S. Navy career, a subordinate of mine decided I was gay and didn’t want me in his Navy – he talked to my last four division officers…
What Is a Christian?
Can a person be both gay and Christian? It’s an important question that has only begun receiving serious attention over the last couple of decades. Many evangelical Christians would respond with a flat “no” and refuse to engage the question…
God’s Grace And The Transsexual Next Door
David Roberts recently wrote a short piece entitled Exodus President Alan Chambers is Clear About Coulter Comment. David praised and thanked Alan Chambers for making the unambiguous comment regarding Ann Coulter’s use of the pejorative faggot: Used in any context,…
A Sign of Changing Attitudes
Those who claim to speak for “American Values” would often have us believe that a core American value is discrimination against gay people. Increasingly, however, this “value” is becoming an anachronism. Another evidence that gay people are beginning to be…