Exodus International launched a campaign last week against ‘Law & Order:SVU’ over an episode that it apparently didn’t watch, or only saw parts of. Conservative writer and activist Brent Bozell apparently didn’t watch the full episode, either, but that didn’t…
Prof. Warren Throckmorton, an advocate for ex-gay politics, admits he didn’t see Law and Order: SVU last week. (Original XGW entry on L&O:SVU). But then Throckmorton proceeds to get the plot wrong — and then he blasts the show for…
Wayne Besen Commends Law And Order: SVU
Press release from Wayne Besen about last week’s Law & Order: SVU episode: AUTHOR ON EX-GAY MYTH COMMENDS NBC’S LAW AND ORDER FOR HIGHLIGHTING SCIENTIFIC VOODOO BEHIND EX-GAY PROGRAMS Focus on the Family’s Own Failed Ex-Gay Leader Proves That Law…
Exodus Condemns NBC’s ‘Law And Order:SVU’
Like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Exodus regrettably sees far-reaching evil conspiracies behind those who disagree with it. The organization this morning issued a condemnation of the ‘Law and Order:SVU’ episode about an ex-gay murder. Instead of merely discussing the humanity or…
Ex-Gay Murder on ‘Law And Order:SVU’
The Tuesday night episode was about the murder of an ex-ex-gay man. It eventually became apparent that one suspect was a reparative therapist of the Charles Socarides or Paul Cameron variety — and another suspect was the therapist’s closeted ex-gay…
Montana “Christians” on Gay Reality TV
Julie Millam, executive director of the Montana Family Coalition, says “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” should not be on TV: “To me, that’s not a reality show about gay people,” Millam told the Billings Gazette. “A really good reality…
Ex-Gay Group Pans Madonna-Britney Kiss
Exodus spokesman Randy Thomas says: Madonna’s special performance was to passionately kiss Britney and Christina on stage. This caused only a brief and not very vigorous uproar as a culture has come to expect such behavior it pays good money…
Queer Eye Vs. Shmomosexuals
Like Jody at Naked Writing, I’ve discovered I’m a shmomosexual. Someone please inform Randy Thomas before he refers to us unpaid shmomos as the “gay elite” again. Addendum: Baptist Press News and the Traditional Values Coalition have reprinted Mr. Thomas’…
Ex-Gays Might Enjoy “Queer Eye”
In the Aug. 26 Exodus media spotlights report, Randy Thomas frets that the Fab Five on the hit TV show Queer Eye for the Straight Guy are making straight guys into their own gay images. He sounds concerned that the…
Mike Haley, chairman of the board of Exodus International and a spokesman for Focus on the Family, fumed at CBS Aug. 21 for “The Amazing Race,” a show that had the gall to include among its contestants a gay couple…