Ex-gay group Parents & Friends of Ex-Gays has announced a plan to subvert the pro-equality Day of Silence by encouraging conservative Christian students to distribute anti-gay literature. LGBT students and their supporters will draw attention to homophobic bullying, prejudice and…
Regina Griggs
3 Articles
1 Min Read
Virulently anti-gay organization Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) were jubilant earlier this week as they announced that Executive Director Regina Griggs had received a ‘certificate of appreciation’ from the District of Columbia: The certificate, signed by D.C. mayor Adrian…
PFOX declares war on Mickey Mouse!
1 Min Read
1 Min Read
PFOX stands for ‘Parents and Friends of Ex-gays and Gays’–despite the fact that the organization is not run by ex-gays, and repeatedly and openly expresses a vituperative disdain for all things gay. One of their more outlandish claims is that…
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