In an interview with Marvin Olasky for World magazine, longtime exgay movement pundit Dr. Jeffrey Satinover argues that because: homosexuality is not a uniform attribute across individuals, sexual attraction fluctuates, and homosexuality cannot easily be measured therefore sexual orientation is…
Exgay Testimonial: Roberta Laurila
Exodus seems to be updating its web site’s exgay testimonials — several pages of the Exodus web site have been added or changed, according to Google. Among the updates is a testimonial by Roberta Laurila, who says she left "lesbianism"…
Ex-ex-gay Profiles
Sept. 26, 2000, The Advocate: Wade Richards, associate of Peter LaBarbera Nov. 24, 1998, The Advocate: Clint Trout Chris Ponticelli Mark SatterleeSame article with pictures
ExGayWatch Profile: Jeremy Marks
Jeremy Marks Leader of the British evangelical Christian group Courage This organization was formerly Britain’s leading ex-gay organization, but Marks has since declared ex-gay ideologies a failure and steered the organization to aid gay Christians in reconciling their faith and…
ExGayWatch Profile: Wade Richards
Wade Richards Advocate story Worked with Peter LaBarbera Now ex-ex-gay. Featured prominently in Wayne Besen’s book, Anything But Straight To be continued…
ExGayWatch Profile: Anne Paulk
Anne Paulk Husband: John PaulkLocation: Portland, Ore. Author: In a 1998 New York Times full-page ad, Paulk proclaimed, "I’m living proof that Truth can set you free." In the ad she says, "… Even though I had a lot of…
Profile: Exodus International
Board of Directors Mike Haley Tom ColeLiving Hope Ministries in Arlington, Texas Rev. John J. Smid, TreasurerExecutive director, Love In Action, Memphis, Tenn. Divorced and remarried. Licensed Southern Baptist minister. Patti Keator, Secretary Alan Chambers, Exodus President Roy BlankenshipOne Way…
Profile: Parents And Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX)
Family Research Council, a religious-right organization launched and still guided behind the scenes by James Dobson, founded PFOX in 1996. Press release, 1996Profile at FRC founded PFOX under the auspices of exgay activist Anthony Falzarano, who was well-known among…
Ex-Gay Watch Profile: Frank Worthen
Frank Worthen is a grandfather of the exgay movement. He is profiled (and criticized) at length by former ex-gays in Wayne Besen’s book, Anything But Straight. In his web site essay What Is Homosexuality, Worthen acknowledges, "In helping people overcome…