XGW reported in December that Exodus International downsized “youth specialist” Mike Ensley. However, no official word was ever publicly released on the websites of Exodus, President Alan Chambers, Vice President Randy Thomas, or even Ensley himself. In fact, Ensley’s blog…
Exgay Activists
Randy Thomas has clarified his personal “change” yet again. Because “ex-gay” organizations like Exodus International (of which Randy is the Vice President) have been closely publicly scrutinized in the last few years, their public facade has changed considerably. For one…
YouTuber “Planet Narth” gives us a light-hearted vocabulary lesson with the help of Joseph Nicolosi. XGW covered the incident featured in the video, for those who are curious about it.
Several professional ex-gays made their political leanings very public post-election day. Specifically, Randy Thomas and Alan Chambers, who head Exodus International, the “ex-gay” organization that has “exited politics.” On Nov. 4th’s historic election night, he was jumping for joy over…
Exodus President Alan Chambers told California’s Proposition 8 supporters last month to vote against marriage equality because it would have made it harder for him to be ex-gay. Despite earlier this year vowing that Exodus would stay away from politics,…
The October 23, 2008 Denver Post featured an article about Focus on the Family’s Love Won Out roadshow, which is celebrating its tenth anniversary this weekend in Colorado Springs. The article itself is well-balanced, featuring counterpoints from ex-gay survivors Peterson…
Ex-gay leader John Smid, who resigned from the controversial ex-gay ministry Love in Action in March, is now leading a new ministry from an office in or near his home church in Germantown, TN. The specific nature of Grace Rivers…
Wife Divorces Ex-Gay Activist Greg Quinlan
Ex-gay activist Greg Quinlan’s wife of three years, Cheryl Quinlan, appears to have received a decree of divorce in May of 2007, having filed the initial complaint seventeen months earlier. XGW readers will recognize Greg from a recent incident involving…
In a press release full of risible exaggerations, PFOX’s Regina Griggs has claimed that ex-gays are “the most bullied and maligned group in America,” and complained that “they are not protected by sexual orientation non-discrimination laws.” Calling on presidential candidate…
Evergreen International bills itself as “the most complete resource for Latter-day Saints on same-sex attraction.” As one of the larger ex-gay organizations after Exodus International, a number of familiar names in that arena hail from Evergreen. Outgoing NARTH President Dean…