Before a TV exposé of people abused by ex-gay ministries can air, Restored Hope Network pre-emptively sins against those survivors.
ex-gay survivors
Is the End of Exodus International Near?
The organization needs to be shut down — shut down. Don’t tweak it, don’t try to improve it, shut it down. — Michael Bussee On June 20th, the OWN network will air the third and probably last of their reports…
A Third Ex-Gay Domino Falls
The founder of a Brazilian group that claims to heal homosexuals has come out against them in an interview with the “Flying Teapot Project” blog. The English and philosophy teacher, also a theologian, Sergio Viula, 42, born and resident in…
Ex-Gay Survivor Survey Documents Ex-Gay Harm
The website Beyond Ex-Gay has launched a survey to counter the false promises and damaging claims of the ex-gay movement: We’ve all heard the declarations that “thousands and thousands of people have been healed of their homosexuality.” Where do those numbers…
Exodus International’s Julie Neils, in 2010: As for those mysterious gay-to-straight “boot camps,” they don’t exist. Ex-gay survivor Kyle Luebke, in 2011: Realizing that [being gay] was not just a “phase” that I was going through, [my parents] decided that more…
When an ex-gay survivor shares an account of how they tried to change or suppress their orientation or gender non-conforming behavior, some gays and lesbians respond–That’s CRAZY! Why would you ever do something that STUPID! Indeed, it may seem illogical…
Exodus International has a story it would really like you to believe. It wants you to think that Exodus is a simple ministry of encouragement to Christians who have same-sex attractions but don’t want to act on it. Exodus, so…