PFOX was instrumental in the recent formation of the NEA Ex-Gay Educators Caucus. PFOX’s history of support for discrimination and opposition to antibullying programs in the schools is summarized at Ex-Gay Watch under the PFOX category. To develop an understanding…
Wayne Besen on Faith-Based Prisons
In an op-ed column for The Tallahassee Democrat, anti-ex-gay activist Wayne Besen warns that Florida’s plan for a faith-based prison may lead to favoritism for fundamentalists. Gay activists such as myself will be watching closely to make sure our tax…
Exodus Ex-Gays Neglected By Gay Media?
The Washington Blade, Dec. 5, offers a he-said-she-said between gay activist and author Wayne Besen and Exodus spokesman Randy Thomas. “What I can say is that gender-affirming role modeling is way simplistic. I don’t think that is an elemental part…
On Nov. 17, Creators Syndicate columnist Deb Price profiled Wayne Besen’s first experience with an ex-gay ministry and his subsequent encounters with people who felt victimized by the movement. Some money quotes: Besen’s mother gave him an audiocassette that promised…
Wayne Besen Commends Law And Order: SVU
Press release from Wayne Besen about last week’s Law & Order: SVU episode: AUTHOR ON EX-GAY MYTH COMMENDS NBC’S LAW AND ORDER FOR HIGHLIGHTING SCIENTIFIC VOODOO BEHIND EX-GAY PROGRAMS Focus on the Family’s Own Failed Ex-Gay Leader Proves That Law…
Ex-Gays in Cleveland
Relayed from Wayne Besen: ‘Ex-gays’ to be focus of three Cleveland events By Anthony Glassman, Gay People’s Chronicle (Cleveland), Nov. 14, 2003 “Ex-gays” will be the center of attention in Cleveland over the next week, with a nationally-known author coming…
Activist Dares Ex-Gays to Sue Schools
Gay activist Wayne Besen responds to a threat by an ex-gay political coalition to sue school districts that do not promote ex-gay claims, or that suggest homosexuality may have a biological component.
How to Prevent Ex-Gays
Author and gay activist Wayne Besen, to Express Gay News, Oct. 6: Besen concedes that the gay community is partly to blame for the ex-gay phenomenon. “Gays could be more supportive of their own,” Besen said. “Gay bars can be…
Anything But Straight
Haworth Press set today as the release date for Wayne Besen’s book on the ex-gay movement, “Anything But Straight.” The unveiling will be accompanied by a 55-city book tour. An extended excerpt from the book is available here. The book-release…
PFOX Can Blame Itself for NEA Silence By Wayne Besen The audacity was breathtaking. The same week ex-gay poster boy Michael Johnston was revealed as a fraud, Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays filed a frivolous complaint with the District of…