In anticipation of his upcoming book, Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters, Alvin McEwen has begun a weblog that itemizes the day-to-day and strategic deceptions of the so-called religious right.
Christian Nationalists
‘Cultural Warfare Updates’ has been summarizing the day-to-day activiities of numerous religious-right organizations in the United States and Canada. Worth tracking….
Top 10 Power Brokers of the Religious Right
AlterNet on July 7 reprinted Top 10 Power Brokers of the Religious Right, published in June by Americans United for Separation of Church and State. James Dobson ranks No. 2. (Blame Pat Robertson.) The top power brokers are indexed, along…
Repent America, as we’ve noted many, many times, is a Philadelphia-area group that illegally commandeers town council meetings, storms gay-friendly entertainment festivals, shouts down authorized speakers with megaphones in order to incite chaos, and gives a favorable nod to a…
The GOP governors just aren’t living up to the Hate the Gays promise that the right wing has in mind. First, Maryland Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. dumped a Metro representative that was calling gays deviants. And then he had…
Incite the slaughter of Muslims, imprison the homosexuals, and prosecute any religious or human-rights activists who seek to help the faggots: That’s been the policy of Nigerian Anglican Archbishop Peter Akinola. Akinola wins praise from U.S. evangelical Rick Warren. So,…
Warring Christian Lawyers?
Are two different anti-gay activist law groups using school children as pawns in a war over dominance, message, or contributions? For several years the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network, in alliance with the United States Student Association, has sponsored…
Thanks to Good As You for bringing the following to our attention According to a Washington Post article, Bill Frist, the Senate Majority Leader (and anti-gay marriage constitutional amendent advocate) is hosting a party to raise money for other Senators….
In Colorado, there is a bill before the legislature to create a Domestic Partner registry allowing couples to become domestic partners and have some of the rights and benefits accorded married couples. In an effort to pull support from the…
Antigay Preacher Hutcherson’s Invisible Boycott
Daniel Gonzales commented on the lighter side of antigay preacher Ken Hutcherson — his choice of operating systems to boycott — here. But there’s a dark side to Hutcherson’s national boycott of every company that supports Washington state’s new gay…