“God’s Grace and the Homosexual Next Door” is a new book written by several senior leaders at Exodus International. On page 69: “Some Christians believe that change is always evidenced by full deliverance from homosexuality, resulting in complete and immediate…
Author Tanya Erzen on Public Radio
Tanya Erzen, author of “Straight to Jesus: Sexual and Christian Conversions in the Ex-Gay Movement” was recently on Orange County’s NPR affiliate KPCC discussing her book. Audio here (in real audio format)
Exodus Has A New Book Out
Alan Chambers and the “leadership team of Exodus” have a new book out titled “God’s Grace And the Homosexual Next Door: A Guide to Overcoming Barriers And Misunderstandings, Getting to Know the Real Person, Offering God’s New Life.” Pre-orders are…
Read Gay, godly and guilty, written by Laura Miller for Salon.com. Miller interviews Tanya Erzen, author of the new book Straight to Jesus. Then read the review of the review by Steve Schalchlin.
Salon.com has printed a lengthy and worthwhile excerpt from the new book Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism. The excerpt is too long and detailed to be adequately summarized; suffice it to say for now that individuals and ideas…
‘Ex-Gay Research’: New Book Due Summer 2006
Ex-Gay Research:Analyzing the Spitzer Study and Its Relation to Science, Religion, Politics and Culture By Jack Drescher and Kenneth J. Zucker
When You Just Can’t Say It
Resource available for those people unable to bring themselves to purchase a book with “HOMOSEXUALITY” on the cover. Well I’m assuming the “H…” is for homosexuality, it could stand for any number of things, I mean for all I know…
I was unaware Brokeback Mountain, the original short story, is available for free online at The New Yorker. Big ole thanks to Stephen Bennett for the link.
Stephen Benentt and Exodus have issued statements condemning Brokeback having never indicated if they have so much read the original literary work or seen the current film. Statements from both organizations were issued prior to today’s release date and I…
Sen. Rick Santorum And Anti-Community Values
Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., is facing conservative and pro-life criticism for his new book against community values entitled It Takes A Family — the title being a snide twist on Sen. Hillary Clinton’s pro-community-values book It Takes A Village. Liberal…