-Major Mike Almy reaches a settlement with the Department of Defense over his discharge under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. -Anti-gay activists find dwindling support at CPAC. -Hillary Clinton formally endorses marriage equality. -Pastor and Christian author Rob Bell comes out…
XGW Digest: March 16, 2013
-Queen Elizabeth II prepares to sign a new anti-discrimination charter. -Openly gay city council member Christine Quinn officially launches her campaign for mayor of New York City. -Newly released documents reveal that the Regnerus study was commissioned to influence the…
IRS Revokes NARTH’s Tax-Exempt Status
The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) has lost their tax-exempt status, for failing to file form 990 three years in a row. Dr. Warren Throckmorton confirmed this with the Internal Revenue Service and reported it on…
XGW Digest: March 9, 2013
-Former Polish president Lech Walesa makes some harshly anti-gay remarks. -Music acts Train and Carly Rae Jepsen cancel their appearances at the Boy Scouts Jamboree in response the Scouts’ anti-gay policies. -Bill O’Reilly accuses Colorado House speaker Mark Ferrandino of…
And then goes on to bash gay activists as scheming thugs. — Anti-gay/exgay therapist, Christopher Doyle of The International Healing Foundation, recently penned an op-ed in the Christian post. These feelings [same-sex attractions (SSA)] are the result of many factors,…
XGW Digest: March 2, 2013
-The Kansas Supreme Court upholds a lesbian mother’s parental rights. -The Obama Administration files a brief calling for the repeal of Prop 8. -British Cardinal Keith O’Brien resigns in the wake of allegations of inappropriate behavior. -The New York Legislature…
XGW Digest: February 23, 2013
-Another researcher accuses Joseph Nicolosi of NARTH of misusing his research. -Minnesota State Senator Scott Dibble announces introduction of a marriage equality bill. -Alaska Republicans make their feelings about civil unions clear. -The Mexican Supreme Court rules against an Oaxaca…
Question of the Week — Gay Marriage? Full transcript below, commentary after the fold. [vimeo]https://www.vimeo.com/59911448[/vimeo] Transcript: Alan Chambers, President of Exodus International: Each week we get a number of important questions that come into our office. This week, the important…
XGW Digest: February 16, 2013
-The late Jeanne Manford, founder of PFLAG, is chosen to receive the 2012 Presidential Citizens Medal. -Indiana Republicans postpone a legislative vote on a marriage amendment until next year. -A former member of Westboro Baptist Church poses for the NOH8…
XGW Digest: February 9, 2013
-The Wyoming Senate kills an anti-discrimination bill. -The French Assembly votes in favor of marriage equality. -French forces free two gay Malian men sentenced to execution. -An ex-gay advocate is caught using Grindr. -The British House of Commons votes for…