-Major Mike Almy reaches a settlement with the Department of Defense over his discharge under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

-Anti-gay activists find dwindling support at CPAC.

-Hillary Clinton formally endorses marriage equality.

-Pastor and Christian author Rob Bell comes out in support of marriage equality.

-Folk singer Michelle Shocked shocks her audience with an anti-gay rant.

-50,000 petitioners ask the Finnish government to reintroduce a marriage equality bill.

-Chipotle cancels its sponsorship of a Boy Scouts event.

-Santa Fe Mayor David Coss argues that same-sex marriage is already legal in New Mexico.

-A gay teenager is stoned to death in Somalia.

-The Canadian House of Commons passes a transgender rights bill.

-The town of Bisbee, Arizona legalizes civil unions.

-Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper signs civil unions into law.

-The Rhode Island Senate Judiciary Committee listens to twelve hours of testimony over marriage equality.

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