Writer Angela Phillips believes, and I agree, that the high incidence of homosexuality occurring in Western nations is related, at least in part, to the absence of positive male influence when boys are moving through the first crisis of child…
Circumcision And AIDS
Apostle Paul once famously said Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. This, along with other passages, separated the ancient link between morality and…
I remember an incident from my teenage years: I was at a church youth camp where an uncle of mine, a respected foreign missionary, was a keynote speaker. My uncle was playing basketball with some of the young men and…
Father John Harvey Interview
The Denver Catholic Register interviewed Father John Harvey, the founder of Courage, the Catholic Ex-Gay Ministry. Unlike Exodus, Courage places more emphasis on physical acts of sex than on “gay identity”. And while they do repeat the bilge coming from…
Jay Bakker’s Revolution – One Punk Under God
A year and a half ago we reported that Jay Bakker, the son of Jim and Tammy Faye, had been deleted from the speaker schedule at the 2005 Exodus Freedom Conference. The reasons for the cancellation may have something to…
Left-Handedness And Fraternal Older Brothers
Both left handedness and having older brothers have been seen to correlate with male homosexuality. A forthcoming study reanalyzes previous studies to see if these are mutually existing or competing correlations. Ex-gay Watch friend, Jim Burroway,comments brilliantly on the study….
Ambidextrous Bisexuals?
The Redding Record-Searchlight (or Wretched Flashlight, as I called it when I was a kid and it was my local paper) reports a finding by a study conducted by University of Guelph psychology professor Michael Peters in which he notes…
It’s the Soy, I Tell Ya
Because WorldNetDaily has never found anything anti-gay that is just too crazy to print, we bring you this amazing new revelation about the cause of homosexuality!! It will surprise, shock and stun you!! Cover the children’s eyes!! In this startling…
Another Pastor Falls
Yet another evangelical pastor of a mega-church in Colorado has been shown to have a double life, publicly happily married – but privately engaging in sexual activity with other men. But unlike Ted Haggard and his anti-gay marriage efforts, Rev….
Exchange, the ex-gay ministry of an Assemblies of God Church in Winter Park, FL which seats about 5,000, was profiled in New Man Magazine, a Christian publication for men. The reporter visited one of Exchange’s weekly Monday night meetings and…