Was he so distracted by a woman’s breast that he overlooked the obvious?
On his personal blog, Exodus spokesman Randy Thomas says:
Tammy [Bruce] is so good. She goes on about the show but also highlights Gov. Dean’s response…and *why* he might have responded that way….
Thomas thinks Bruce is good because she points out that Time Warner contributed handsomely to two Democrats’ campaigns, and somehow that is supposed to explain why Howard Dean believes there are more important issues to American voters than Janet Jackson’s boobs.
Had either Thomas or Bruce sought to convey nonpartisan or logically consistent thinking to their readers, however, they might have also noted — as some conservatives have — that the GOP-controlled FCC sought last year to give Time Warner and other media giants nearly unrestricted control over the nation’s TV and radio stations. They might also have acknowledged that FCC chairman Michael Powell’s free-market sentiments have been an obstacle to lawmakers — both liberal and conservative — seeking to re-regulate media giants.
If the media giants’ behavior seems puerile and adolescent these days, it’s because they view teen-agers as their primary profit center, and a free-market philosophy in Washington allows no-holds-barred tactics to grab teen-audience market share.
Thomas and Bruce are throwing rocks in a glass house. They need not point fingers at others for the sordid state of corporate morality; the blame can be shared by liberals and conservatives alike.
Now that is the funniest line I have read all day! Maybe he truly has gone straight on us.
You know what amazes me most about Christianity is the how they bemoan indecency. Yet the bible is full of it. Most old testament biblical stories would have trouble achieving a pg-13 rating much less a G one. About the only safe stories are the new testament ones.
I think that display even without the “wardrobe malfunction” the show did border on indecency. Not that I am in anyway a prude, but people came to see her dance and sing not see a semi strip show. Also this is the super bowl, not a concert, children are likely to be present.
Sometimes nudity (or attempted nudity) is just a distraction. I also think that folks like Thomas don’t have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to what should or should not be displayed in public. Liberals, conservative, republicans and democrats are not anymore (or less) supportive of indecent behavior.
Could somebody please explain Tammy Bruce to me?
I mean, I understand being conservative on certain issues. I know I am.
But Tammy’s audience are the most rigid gay-bashing neo-conservatives. She openly endorses Dr. Laura, Sean Hannity, and others like them.
Tammy Bruce is a footnote. As “Dr.” Laura has become.
Her writing is attrocious. But she has figured out how to appeal to the conservative mantra of victimization.