In the Jan. 23 issue of Spotlights, Exodus executive director Alan Chambers attempts to explain why Exodus lobbies ex-gays and Christians to discriminate — and to promote government-mandated discrimination — against gay couples:
Had same-sex marriage been legal in 1990 I am almost certain that I would have tested that option. I met men who I wanted to “marry”. Yet, as I look back as a mature adult, I realize that I wasn’t searching for a man as much as I was searching for an answer, a drug if you will, to numb the pain and make me feel better about who I was. The law kept me from making one, if not many, huge mistakes. And while honoring and preserving the sanctity of heterosexual marriage is the bedrock of my opposition to redefining marriage to suit a few, I believe a positive bi-product of keeping same-sex marriage illegal is that it will save tens of thousands of hurting young people like me from the biggest mistakes of their life: looking to man to satisfy what only God can.
If you are a former homosexual, I encourage you to take a stand for today’s gay youth by opposing same-sex marriage; they may not thank you today, but protecting them now provides them with a better chance at them being around to thank you later.
The conclusion is a bit silly:
As former homosexuals we have many opportunities to exercise our civil liberties, speak into the media and entertainment industries and call the Church to a redemptive response.
Just so long as homosexuals, tolerant heterosexuals, and Christians and people of faith outside Chambers’ ideological sandbox are denied their civil liberties, of course.
So, Alan believes that the government should discriminate against gay people because it hadn’t discriminated against him back then, he wouldn’t be ex-gay now? That makes absolutely no sense.
So, Alan believes that the government should discriminate against gay people because it hadn’t discriminated against him back then, he wouldn’t be ex-gay now? That makes absolutely no sense.
That’s no different than saying “laws against drugs protected me from becoming an addict”. Certainly no one is clamoring for legalized drugs as a matter of “civil rights”
Oh wait, yes they are…
I think that this whole situation is ridiculous. Do you hear yourselves. You want to marry someone of the same sex? I am opposed to leagalize gay marriage. It is just not what God intended……….
I’m sorry “nichole” but your version of God has no place in civil law.
Your version of God never intended for you (as a woman) to speak out on anything.
And certainly not six times in a row.
Homosexuality is a disease. When I say disease everyone gets upset like it is dirty or something. Homosexuality is a disease that is of the spiritual nature. It is physical, mental and spiritual and people who claim to be homosexuals are bankrupt in these areas. Among some of the common personality traits of such people are as follows: (1) Selfish/self centeredness; concerned about wants and needs above alot of priorities. (2) Dishonesty; Making excuses for bizarre and perverted behaviors.(3) No Faith: Opposition to the Word of God or spiritual principles in order to maintain these behaviors (4) Fear: Due to the lack of faith. Out of this fear come anger, depression, anxiety, etc… (5) Lack of Graditude: Selfhish/self centered fear prevents this. This spiritual malady has to be overcome before the perverted behaviors can be abolished. This is a disease that only God can arrest. Most homosexuals are depressed, confused, fearful, alcoholics/drug addicts. This is one of the diseases that tells one that they do not have a disease. That they are normal in their thinking and behaviors. This behavior causes all type of physical ailments also.
Gosh, Mr. Trotter, it’s all so simple! The world has been waiting for such a universal cure for unwanted gayness…
Seriously, do you *know* any gay people personally? If you did, you’d know what a crude stereotype you have in your mind of what they are like. Don’t judge what you have no clue about.
Aside: Where are all the trolls coming from? Has some group made some sort of sick New Year’s resolution?
Mr. Trotter, is sounds as if you may have some latent homosexual tendencies. A fried of mine, who is a therapist, calls it “projection”. People who hate what they see in themselves also hate others with the same traits and/or tendencies.
Gay marriages should not be allowed in the community because first of all, it’s agianst many religions and it’s a sin as well. In most religions, the holy book states that a male and a female are meant to be united. Amale is not meant to be united with another male. The main reason for getting married is to reproduce which can not place with two men, neither two women. Even if gay pepole get marriaed and decide to adopt a child, the child might turn out to br gay as well. A quot by Elizabeth Thomas, a protester says, “It’s not that were offened- God will be offened. He’s the one we have to worry about.” I agree as well. Since we do many things to please our god and gay marriage is one of the major sins wich we shouldn’t commit. Therefore, marriagws is a nature way of uniting a man with a women.
Another reson to why gay marriages should not be allowed in society is because it has a negative impact on children of our future. If children see gay people in society, they would assume that it’s the right thing. But in fact, it’s not. As said by many experts, children tend to follow their olders and they do what they see. For instance, seeing two gay men walking down the street would give them a wrong impression. By allowing gay people to get married, we are taking away the rights to live in an environment that they feel comfortable in. For example, parents wouldn’t want their children or child seeing things that they do not believe in or that they consider to be a sin. “They want to influence children and other people to be homosexual.” That was a qiote said be an anonyms person wich shows that by allowing gay marriages we are encouraging homosexuals to marry.
Now stop this none sense!!!!!!
Who is this kate moron?
Well kate, there are also many religions that wish to have gay marriages. I am a member of one such. Why should we be prevented from doing the work of the Divinity? Who are you to stand in our way?
Statements like these are one reason the Christian faith is in decline throughout the advanced world. Who is she?
Kate’s rants almost inspire me to reprise some of the rants of the Kanzeon character on the old NYTImes religion board. Regarding the Church of the Gay Jesus and the Church of the Gay Jesus (reprised). Unfortunately, the web sites seem to have disappeared, but they were very funny.
At some point this gets to be ludicrous. I’ve been having homosex with my same-sex partner probably longer than this “Kate” person has been alive, and without having to be worried about being married.
Homosexuality is a disease
It’s nice of you to tell me so. Virtually the only pill I take is aspirin. Aspirin hasn’t cured me of my homosexuality.
You are dumber than horse poopy.
How so, Raj?
Millions of Americans — both liberal and conservative — believe they have a “right” to be pampered and cuddled by the world around them, protected from anything that contradicts or “offends” their insecure little worldviews.
Then they make God as insecure as they are. Then they claim a “mandate” to make government enforce their competing political correctnesses.
I don’t see any constructive point in insulting Kate in particular.
Here in Canada (Ontario) we’ve had fully legalized gay marriage now for some time. And I can report the culture hasn’t fallen apart. Straights continue to marry and have children, and things are pretty much as they’ve always been. Except for one thing — homosexuals now have the same rights the rest of us have always taken for granted.
Canada is living proof that the alarmist arguments against gay marriage are just plain silly.