- The Bloomington, IL Pantagraph examines the spectrum of opinion within Christianity on the issue of homosexuality.
- At the blog “The Unseen Disciple,” Christian ex-gay ministries are examined to see not only if they could be called Christian, but if they could even be called “ministries.” Hat tip: TWO
- Anna Quindlen talks about gay marriage.
- The Christian Post continues to call it gay “marriage,” but admits that a recent study shows that the California ruling “could provide a $370 million boost to the economy over the next three years.”
- Peterson Toscano’s Homo No Mo stage show is now available on DVD.
- Exodus VP Randy Thomas watches Florida and California grapple with marriage equality “with a sad and contemplative heart” and declares that “we definitely need to be praying.”
- PFLAG to greet Love Won Out attendees in Orlando with coffee, donuts and information on how to love their gay and lesbian family members.
So Randy contemplates gay marriage and says we definitely need to be praying.
Let us suppose for a few minutes that Randy and a whole bunch of people who ‘think’ just like him pray their hearts out to G. “Hey, G., please don’t allow the
queers to get married and destroy that institution and bring America to its knees by shoving gay marriage down its throat.”
(I’m using a few of the metaphors that seem to be so popular in the victim-ish sayings of anti-gay Christians. Only some irony is intended).
Let us now suppose that the california initiative fails in November. What are we to conclude?
1) To paraphrase F. Bailey Smith of SBC fame: “G Almighty does not here the prayer of an ex-gay.
2) “G almighty does not hear the prayer of a conservative Christian.
3) G doesn’t really care about the institution he allegedly created, this sacrament that should be available to any of his children if and only if they have a certifiable penis and vagina.
4) G doesn’t care about America.
5) G doesn’t really care about gay marriage, despite the efforts of his followers to give him a makeover in their own image. In fact, he would really like them to get over themselves and concentrate on loving each other, living in peace, and making the owrld a better place for all people, not just the people that imagine they are his special pets.
6) Or maybe G’s just going to take Nov. 3 off and preside at the wedding of Sergius and Bacchus, Adam and Steve, and Peter and Paul.
Naaahhhh. They’ll probably just conclude that the world is so sinful and broken that G just couldn’t get through to all of those sinful, broken voters out there, and they’ll just have to keep struggling to bring his word ot people who are too busy celebrating to listen.