Exodus president Alan Chambers heralded that organization’s “countercultural revolution” at LifeSiteNews.com, echoing a previous claim of dramatic increase in first-time attendees during the Exodus International Annual Freedom Conference 2007 in Los Angeles (50%) and the Exodus’ Regional Freedom Conference in Nashville, Tennessee (60%).

People are hungry for a hopeful message about homosexuality that encompasses God’s truth as well as His compassionate heart. We are thrilled to be a small part of what God is doing to reach a new generation with His liberating truth.

The identities of the first-timers (and the regular participants) who are hungry for the ex-gay doctrines presented at these conferences are never mentioned.

From the Exodus website:

Each year, over 1,000 men, women, youth, pastors, therapists, spouses, parents and other interested persons come together for a unique gathering of instruction and celebration.”

So where are the homosexuals?

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