The mysterious “Doug Narthian” has created another parody (link above) which should require very little explanation. As with most good parody, there is a healthy dose of sarcasm, but only as much as is appropriate to illustrate a contrary point of view. In this case, the subject really does deserve the attention.
This was cute and funny.
As I was watching Nicolosi explain that there was some sort of correlation between gay men and narcissism, I had to wonder about the far more likely correlation of reparative therapists and narcissism.
I was hoping he would stop playing with that darn chalk!
I couldn’t finish watching it. Even though it’s humor I get so disturbed. It brings back the memories of having gone through such nonsense and how traumatized I was by it (for years).
Arthur Goldberg, secretary of NARTH, who said the first two quotes, is head of JONAH.
I noticed something that I never noticed before. Richard crosses his legs in a very odd manner before holding the guy. Usually if someone lays in your lap, your legs are down. It seems odd and uncomfortable. Any ideas?
for some reason this video and the other about planet narth, starts and stops very often and then stops altogether, so never have seen the complete videos. Have tried many times. Any suggestions? I have verizon high speed internet service.
I never noticed Nicolosi’s wrist action before.
Randy, I’ve not noticed any issue with it myself, but you might send a message to planetnarth’s Youtube account.
Nicolosi appears to be trying to convince himself and it also appears that if he has the ability to convince others concerning his message, then somehow it validates what he is saying. I think that is the most shallow type of person claiming to be Christian.
I realize that religion is not necessarily treated here, but it cannot be ignored that it is his religious beliefs that underlie his whole premise.
Religious truths exist whether or not we are convinced of them or not. Our understanding may differ, but there are some fundamental beliefs that exist and we do not need to believe in them in order for them to be a reality. Nor do we need to convince others that these truths exist in order for them to be truths.
John said:
I observed that too, and in reading/hearing Nicolosi he makes this claim and states it as fact without any evidence (at least nothing substancial).
What I see is a man who appears to hate himself so much, and he imagines a God who hates him as well unless he behaves in a certain manner, that he is trying to rationalize his inner self and then negate it. He appears to want approval from others in saying that he has accomplished that so his god will finally love him.
If you think about it, they (Nicolosi and the like) attack Gay Christians all the time because we emphasize that God is love, and that God loves all of us unconditionally, and that we are to be examples of love. What can be more repulsive to an instrument of hate, and self hate at that, than someone who has God’s love unconditionally?
When Christ said love your neighbor as yourself, he meant for us to LOVE OURSELVES not just our neighbor. Nicolosi is a vivid example of what can happen when we do not love ourselves as God loves us.
Have read about Richard Cohen’s controversial “licking” therapy on this site as well as others, but don’t know much about it. Can anyone who knows anything about this enlighten us about this new addition to gay to straight therapies? How long in minutes and individual appointments (how many sessions @$200 a pop, do you have to lick someone (five minutes, 10 minutes, half hour, 1 hour; 1 appointment, 10 appointments, 20 appointments, 1 year, what?)? Is this covered by health insurance? Also, does the licker (the person doing the licking, have to be straight (can he be an gay or ex-gay? or must it only be a man like father, brother, etc.? How about a woman like mom, sister?) in order for this therapy to be effective? What is supposed to happen during this licking therapy (is it supposed to stir up memories of the distant past and what memories might these be?)? Since Cohen is so much involved with NARTH these days, is this also a NARTH therapy? Haven’t found anything about it on the NARTH web site. What we really need is a live demonstration and also does anyone know of any research that might shed some light on the efficacy of using this licking therapy to turn someone from gay to straight, does it work 100% of the time, 80% of the time (Cohen states that he has an 80% cure rate for gay to straight), 50/50 or what?
Also, was wondering why this “licking” therapy did not make it into the “conventional” Cohen therapy along with the now hilarious smacking the pillow with a tennis racquet will turn you into a straight peson (if you wack it enough times! how many? does anyone know?)
I’m unfamiliar with the technique you are referencing. Please provide a link to a source.
Surprisingly enough it seems plausible. Marth Welch (holding and compression therapy for “attachment disorder”) does describe face licking in a therapy context:
Richard Cohen is familiar with this, has worked with her, and even appears to have gotten his now famous holding technique from her.
It seems at least possible that he could also have modified the face licking for his use, but I am curious to know if there are any references to him doing so. Nate, do you have any direct experience with this or do you have a link to support Cohen’s use of this technique? If there is any information you need to pass on in private, feel free to email me at We will certainly investigate.
Face licking? So if only my mom and dad had licked my face as a child I would not be gay? So is NARTH and the like going to have bumper stickers and t-shirts that say, “HAVE YOU LICKED YOUR KID’S FACE TODAY?”
It seems like they keep grasping at straws to find a way to negate our existence, but this has got to be the most ridiculous one if in fact it is true. According to this theory then, my entire family is gay because no one in my family has ever practiced face licking (unless you count my mom and my aunts wetting a kleenex with their mouth and wiping our faces).
I’m sorry, but this is just too ridiculous to believe. But it does follow some logic.
First they said we are gay because we have dominate mothers. But when they found that a majority of men with dominate mothers are straight, they went for theory #2.
Theory #2 – we didn’t get enough love from our fathers. When that theory lost credibility, in walked in theory #3.
Theory #3 – the absence of a male role model. Well, straight men from single mom families made that theory dead on arrival.
and on and on and on
so now, where are we at? Theory #4,279 – Your parents didn’t lick you on the face enough as a child.
If the next time I go visit my parents and I ask them to lick my face, my mom will probably slap it before she even considers licking it. If I tell her who recomended it, she’d want to slap his face as well.
As I have stated before, this all comes out of self hate, and it is said to see these people displaying themselves in public demonstrating just how much they hate themselves. But worse are those around them encouraging them to do so.
Again, I am glad there is something like exgaywatch where the LGBT community can learn that God is about love and acceptance. If there is to be change, it is for us to be more loving toward one another AND TO OURSELVES.
I think Nicolosi and the like need to look in a mirror and pop in Billy Joel’s song “I Love You Just the Way You Are” and realize that our love for God, our neighbor, and ourselves will make more changes in our lives than any ridiculous face licking could ever do.
If this licking therapy really is efficacious, then could it be used to turn straight people gay, I wonder?
I ask only because, for some decades now, the gay community has been accused of “promoting” homosexuality. I, personally, have never tried to promote homosexuality and I don’t know of anyone who has, nor have I ever believed that it was possible. However, if any cranks have been trying to do this, then their attempts have clearly been futile, since there is no evidence that we are now any more numerous than we were before. Could this licking technique, or léchage, be the breakthrough that they’ve been looking for?
socially accepted: conforming to socially accepted customs of behavior or style, especially in a way that lacks imagination
But doctor, what if my underlying issues, lack of self esteem, self worth, etc., are all the exclusive result of being told that I need re-orientation therapy?