From NARTH’s Political Correctness Gone Amok: The Latest Controversy (October 10, 2006):
“The bottom line,” said NARTH President Joseph Nicolosi, “is that NARTH’s mission has nothing to do with any social issue others than same-sex attraction. Our mission is to defend our clients’ rights to assert their own values and say, ‘Gay is not who I really am.'”
NARTH’s position statements are In agreement with that are with that statement — for example, nothing is written there about transgender or transsexual people.
So why did NARTH publish an article entitled UK Physician Investigated Over Rushed Sex Change Operations on October 23, 2006?
My opinion: NARTH’s agendas have always been broader than their position statements. One of NARTH’s problems is the organization keeps getting caught having broader agendas than organization president Joseph Nicolosi, Ph.D. admits. That speaks loudly about NARTH organizational credibility; that speaks loudly about NARTH organization integrity.
Once these people get a little bit of power, they get all heady with it and start speaking out about everything other than their stated position. They are seriously addicted and power and control is their heroin.
Just look at what happened to the Dobson. Started out with focus on the family, actually focusing on children and families. Hundreds of millions of dollars later, he feels entitled to shoot his mouth off about every social issue that strikes his fancy.
NARTH is cut from the same bolt of cloth.
My opinion: Narth is too backwards on issues relating to gender expression and social orientation to understand how transgender issues don’t fall under the same umbrella as “same-sex attraction”.
My opinion: Narth is too backwards on issues relating to gender expression and social orientation to understand how transgender issues don’t fall under the same umbrella as “same-sex attraction”.
My opinion as well. They want to be taken seriously as a purely scientific, professional organization, but their ideological agenda overshadows any members who might actually believe in those goals. Hopefully those members will continue to distance themselves from Nicolosi and NARTH.
NARTH has a purpose?
Gotta love this article from their reprints series:
Short version: an extensive study of children with gender identity issues was able to determine that children with gender identity issues have gender identity issues. Whew, glad they cleared that up.
The current People magazine is featuring a m-f youngster who is living as a boy.
Tye is a dark haired cutie teenager. This was an interesting article.
I think what it really speaks to is self expression is harmless.
This is about being yourself and being allowed to determine what’s best for oneself.
With kids out there shooting up people and taking drugs, having violent arguments with their parents…
A kid living as the opposite gender is refreshingly benign.
A boy in a skirt….or a girl in baggy cargo shorts?
There is no suffering there. No physical or emotional pain.
Intellectual and physical health and vigor is intact.
I don’t see this as a problem. I see it just as a difference the individual has to live with, but for the rest of us, we certainly can too.
I think that is the goal of People magazine to point out.
Oops, meant to say F-M, sorry.
Autumn said: “That speaks loudly about NARTH organizational credibility; that speaks loudly about NARTH organization integrity.”
NARTH has credibility? Integrity? Did I miss something?