-Anti-gay Maryland legislator Donald Dwyer injures four children while driving under the influence of alcohol.
-Salt Lake City’s NBC affiliate announces it will not air The New Normal, which features a gay couple.
-The parents of the late Tyler Clementi leave their church due to its anti-gay views.
-Blogger Carlos Maza attends NOM’s “It Takes a Family” conference.
-Catholic bishop Salvatore Cordileone (the “father of Proposition 8”) is arrested for drunk driving.
-A marriage equality bill passes a preliminary vote in the New Zealand Parliament.
-The California Assembly approves a scaled-down version of the ban on ex-gay therapy for minors.
-Tasmania’s House of Assembly passes a marriage equality bill.
-Senator Orrin Hatch backs away from his previous support for a federal marriage amendment.
-A Fox Radio affiliate fires a talk show host for interviewing a gay activist.
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