-The Mexican Supreme Court rules that all states must recognize same-sex marriages performed in Mexico City.

-Moscow’s high court upholds the city’s 100-year ban on gay pride parades.

-Zimbabwe police raid the office of an LGBT advocacy group.

-The United Church of Canada elects an openly gay moderator.

-Cameroon hosts a “Gay Hate Day.”

-A church building owned by an LGBT-affirming congregation in Ohio is destroyed by arson.

-Brian Brown of NOM debates Dan Savage over dinner.

-Blogger Wayne Self explains the Chick-Fil-A controversy to a conservative Christian reader.

-Actors Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard share why they won’t get married until gay couples can.

-A coalition of anti-gay groups petitions Fox News to ban Wayne Besen from appearing on the network.

-The Family Research Council makes a feeble attempt to dispute its status as a hate group.


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