-A federal judge orders Arizona to recognize a widowed gay man’s marriage license.

-The Indian government issues an objection to the high court’s recognition of a third gender.

-Victoria, Australia takes steps toward wiping the criminal records of those convicted under its old anti-sodomy laws.

-Symantec announces its software will no longer block LGBT-related websites.

-A transgender man wins the gold in powerlifting at the Gay Games.

-Twitter users help Philadelphia police track down a gang of gay bashers.

-Ugandan LGBT activist John Abdallah Wambere is granted asylum in the U.S.

-The Egyptian government begins monitoring social media to track down members of the LGBT community.

-Several hundred Texas law enforcement leaders and clergy file amicus briefs in favor of marriage equality.

-Jerusalem Pride takes place after two delays.

-Several Texas hotels turn away Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni.

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