-Anti-LGBT hate crimes increase significantly in Scotland and the United States.
-WWE legend Pat Patterson comes out of the closet.
-The Obama Administration announces an executive order protecting employees of federal contractors from discrimination.
-The New York State Assembly passes a ban on conversion therapy for minors.
-Luxembourg enacts marriage equality.
-The US Senate confirms two openly gay African-American judicial candidates.
-Fort Lauderdale’s city commissioners urge the state to legalize marriage equality.
-A Texas judge bars a married gay couple from adopting their children.
-Rob Tisinai live tweets NOM’s March4Marriage.
-The Presbyterian Church (USA) votes to allow its pastors to marry same-sex couples.
-Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer suggests that she would support an anti-discrimination law.
-Former ex-gay leader John Paulk tells his story to Politico Magazine.
-More than two dozen Michigan Republicans file a brief supporting marriage equality.