-An openly gay man is confirmed as Under Secretary of the Air Force.

-Rio de Janeiro joins the ten other Brazilian states that recognize marriage equality.

-Anti-gay activists mail threats to the president of the French General Assembly.

-The government of Malta appoints a council to draft LGBT rights legislation.

-Marriage equality receives unanimous support from the Republicans in the Rhode Island senate.

-Paraguay’s new president apologizes for his anti-gay remarks.

-A Nevada state senator comes out of the closet during debate over a bill to repeal the state’s marriage ban.

-The French National Assembly gives final approval to marriage equality.

-A gay Oklahoma lawmaker is attacked outside a bar.

-The Delaware House of Representatives votes for marriage equality.

-Iowa Republicans come up with a new way to punish the justices who brought marriage equality to the state.

-The Rhode Island Senate passes marriage equality.

-The Colombian Senate rejects marriage equality.

-The Santa Fe, NM City Council passes a pro-equality resolution.

-The Employment Non-Discrimination Act is reintroduced in the US House and Senate.

-The Philadelphia City Council passes an LGBT benefits ordinance.

-An Oregon circuit court judge rules that the state’s marriage ban is unconstitutional.

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