Flag of UgandaUganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009 — legislation that could see gays and lesbians punished with life sentences and even execution — has not gone away. Reports suggest it will go before Ugandan Parliament before the end of 2012.

The plain facts of the bill have not changed since MP David Bahati first proposed the laws in 2009. Some reports say the death penalty has been dropped from the text, but this has not been confirmed, and it has been falsely claimed before, even by leading news agencies.

The law is effectively a mandate for the genocide of homosexual men and women in Uganda, and the scope of its penalties extends even to those who support others they know to be gay. Ironically, even some ex-gay ministries could become illegal if the legislation is passed, as it would make failure to inform the authorities about a practising homosexual a criminal offence.

You can sign an electronic petition addressed to “President Museveni of Uganda, Members of the Review Committee, Parliament and donor governments” at Avaaz.org.

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