A Welsh amateur rugby player who says a stroke turned him gay is the subject of a BBC Three documentary being broadcast in the UK this evening. Writes Pink News:

Chris Birch, now 27, was a Welsh bank employee who weighed 19 stone and enjoyed heavy drinking sessions.

Following a stroke in 2011, he is now a Welsh hairdresser with sweeping dyed hair and a male fiancé.

I Woke up Gay will examine how Birch’s personality changed so abruptly.

He tells the BBC: “I was doing a forward roll down a grass bank one day and cut off the blood supply to my brain which caused a stroke to happen. It was from there, while I was recovering, that I realised I’d changed.

“The Chris I knew had gone and a new Chris sort of came along. I came to the realisation that the stroke had turned me gay.”

The show airs at 9pm and will be available for streaming for seven days on BBC iPlayer (UK only).

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