-Two gay Republicans enter the race for San Diego Mayor.

-Rev. Scott Anderson becomes the Presbyterian Church’s first officially sanctioned gay minister.

-Legendary gay rights activist Frank Kameny dies at the age of 86.

-Bank of America will begin reimbursing partnered gay employees for the extra taxes they pay on their health insurance.

-The British government announces that it will reduce aid to nations that persecute gays and lesbians.

-The Marine Corps sets up a recruiting booth at a Southern California Pride event.

-The US Supreme Court declines to hear an appeal from a gay couple that wants both father’s names on their son’s birth certificate.

-Anti-gay activists fail to obtain enough signatures to place a repeal of the FAIR Education Act on the November 2012 ballot.

-A pastor is fired from his church for linking to an article about the repeal of DADT.

-62% of New Hampshire residents oppose repealing the state’s marriage equality law, according to a new poll.

-Peterson Toscano encourages former Love In Action director John Smid to reword his apology.

-A male cheerleader is suspended from his Texas high school for kissing a boy.

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