-Several hundred active duty servicemembers march in San Diego’s pride parade.

-An openly gay man is selected to chair Utah’s Democratic Party.

-A gay man and transgender woman in Cuba announce plans to marry on Fidel Castro’s birthday.

-President Obama endorses the Respect for Marriage Act.

-Andrew Sullivan reiterates his case for marriage equality.

-The US Senate confirms an openly gay man as a federal judge.

-A regional minister in Ghana calls for the arrest of all gays.

-The Senate Judiciary Committee holds hearings on the proposed repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act.

-An Orthodox rabbi blames the murder of an eight-year-old child on same-sex marriage.

-Two US Senators challenge Focus on the Family’s Tom Minnery on his misuse of research.

-The Alliance Defense Fund tries to expand religious liberty to allow government employees to discriminate against those they disapprove of.

-A Colorado state board approves the wording of a proposed ballot measure to repeal the state’s marriage ban.

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