-The New York Times calls for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act.

-A marriage equality bill is introduced in the Washington state legislature.

-Same-sex marriage may soon be legal in the UK.

-Authorities in Minsk, Belarus authorize an LGBT rally.

-Authorities in Budapest, Hungary reject an application for a pride parade.

-The US Air Force allows Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach to retire with full rank and pension.

-The Hawaii State Senate votes in favor of civil unions.

-The California Supreme Court agrees to rule on whether Prop 8’s proponents have legal standing.

-Target modifies its corporate giving policy to better screen future political contributions.

-NOM tries to make Maryland voters appear less gay supportive in an effort to stall the current marriage equality bill.

-Facebook adds ‘civil union’ and ‘domestic partnership’ to its list of relationship status options.

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