-The Tarrant Baptist Association is expelled from the campus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary for retaining a member church that isn’t adequately anti-gay.

-The US Supreme Court declines to hear a challenge to the District of Columbia’s marriage equality law.

New census data finds more gay couples raising children in the South than in other parts of the country.

-France’s high court agrees to hear a case by a lesbian couple who want their relationship recognized as a marriage.

-A homeless shelter in Georgia kicks out two women suspected of being in a relationship.

-The Government Accountability Office reports that enforcement of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” cost nearly $200 million over five years.

-The Department of Housing and Urban Development proposes a new anti-discrimination policy.

-A high school principal in Long Island blocks the formation of a gay-straight alliance, claiming that anti-gay slurs aren’t a big deal.

-A gay marriage ban passes the first of three hearings in the Wyoming House.

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