-Recent polls continue to find strong public support for repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

-King County, Washington swears in a gay councilmember.

-Jonathan Rauch encourages gay rights activists to consider a change in tactics as the majority opinion shifts in favor of equality.

-The National Organization for Marriage misrepresents some basic facts about the Prop 8 trial.

-A variety of religious leaders in Texas weigh in on the ability of chaplains to perform their duties post-DADT.

-An El Paso, TX ballot initiative pushed through by a local pastor to deny benefits to partners of gay city employees inadvertently strips benefits from a larger group of workers and retirees.

-A Christian college ignites controversy by firing a gay coach.

-Prospects for marriage equality in Maryland improve.

-A gay rights ordinance passes a preliminary vote in Manhattan, KS.

-The US Senate fails to advance the defense bill that a DADT repeal was attached to.

-Rachel Maddow interviews the author of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill.

-3,000 Minnesota Catholics send back the anti-gay marriage DVD distributed by Archbishop John Nienstedt.

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