-Bishop Gene Robinson announces his retirement.
-Another teenager commits suicide due to anti-gay bullying.
-Rob Tisiniai questions another anti-gay claim.
-A Christian mom identifies the root cause of bullying in schools.
-Marriage equality bills are introduced in the Australian states of Tasmania and Victoria.
-GLAD and the ACLU file separate suits challenging the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act.
-The US Supreme Court declines to hear an appeal by ex-gay mother and kidnapper Lisa Miller.
-A Catholic university fires a lesbian employee after her wedding announcement appears in a local newspaper.
-A newly released study finds no incidences of child abuse by lesbian parents.
-The Supreme Court rejects the Log Cabin Republicans’ request to reinstate the suspension of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
Breaking news. You are not automatically excommunicated from the Mormon Church if you are gay. Only if you ACT on homosexual tendencies.