In recent years the ex-gay movement has toned down its message of “change.” With occasional exceptions, gone are the days when one could hear Exodus spokespeople make direct and unambiguous claims that gay people who went through an ex-gay program could become straight.
It’s unsurprising, then, that Love Won Out has taken steps to tone down some of its own proclamations. In April, CitizenLink made an effort to clarify LWO’s position:
Love Won Out says it does not attempt to “fix” gays and lesbians, a charge heard often from its critics in the APA.
“Such glib characterizations ignore the complex series of factors that can lead to same-sex attractions,” according to the Web site. “They also mischaracterize our mission. We exist to help men and women dissatisfied with living homosexually understand that same-sex attractions can be overcome. It is not easy, but it is possible, as evidenced by the thousands of men and women who have walked this difficult road successfully.”
As little as that statement actually says, it nonetheless would have been news to anyone who attended a LWO conference before Joseph Nicolosi disappeared from the roster. LWO may never have specifically used the world “fix,” but their website did at one time openly state that homosexuality was “preventable and treatable” – a message that hardly needs clarification.
Even given the current version of LWO’s official statement, it seems unlikely that the average layperson who reads it will see much if any distinction between “same-sex attractions can be overcome” and “if you’re gay, you can become straight.” And recent public statements by LWO spokespersons only reinforce such impressions.
Speaking in advance of its Orlando conference (which just happened to have been scheduled for the same week as Gay Days at Disney World), Love Won Out spokesman Jeff Johnson stated, “attendees will hear stories about people who had chosen a gay identity or struggled with same-sex attractions, but came out of it.”
Had Johnson merely spoken about those “who had chosen a gay identity,” it could be reasonably argued that the “former homosexuals” he was talking about had simply changed their behavior and how they viewed themselves. By adding in those who “struggled with same-sex attractions” and “came out of it,” however, the message explicitly becomes one of a change in orientation.
Further reinforcing that point, the Orlando Sentinel adds this quote:
“Same-sex attraction is the result of a number of influential factors, but, no, we don’t believe people are born gay,” said Melissa Fryrear, director of gender issues for Focus on the Family. “We believe homosexuals can be converted and same-sex attractions can change.”
If Love Won Out was merely employing the Christianese doublespeak we’ve come to expect from Exodus, it could perhaps be excused for wanting to correct the general public’s alleged misunderstanding of what it advocates. Under the circumstances, however, any effort LWO wants to make to correct “glib characterizations” of its message would need to start with its own spokespersons.
For two religious organizations, Love Won Out and Exodus seem to have a great deal of trouble telling the truth. I guess their difficulty comes from the dark side of religion.
Both organizations have sold the tired lie that gays can become straight. Outsiders didn’t invent this “charge,” it comes directly from the mouths of their own leaders.
Some of them may be backing away from it at this time, but it would be far more honest for them to admit that they did make this promise in the past, that they were wrong, and that the most they can offer people is celibate life in acord with their conservative reigious beliefs.
But that would take honesty. For Love Won Out and Exodus, achieving honestly is probably even less likely than a gay man achieving true heterosexuality.
did at one time openly state that homosexuality was “preventable and treatable”
They still do.
And among the “Love Won Out Stories”:
“You showed me that with hard work and commitment from myself and through God’s amazing grace, I can beat this….”
You gave me hope … that this is not the man that I have to be.
after hearing Mike Haleys personal story … he gave his life to the Lord and vowed to overcome this
Further claiming a “Study by Dr. Stanton Jones and Mark Yarhouse documents change through Exodus ministries”, they link through to a page that baldy states “Groundbreaking Study Confirms Sexual Orientation Change Possible“.
I’m not even going to start with the highly political “Church Resources”, except to note we’re now apparently an “onslaught”, hell-bent on “The Gaying of America”.
I feel so powerful.
(Better be careful. Connecting with that sort of attitude runs the risk of having me re-identifying with my lost masculine soul and *poof*… that’d be the de-gaying of us.)
This decodes to “They chose to be gay” to the audience of LWO: mainly heterosexual parents with big bucks, and political activists wanting intellectual comfort for being anti-civil liberties (aka, bigoted).
Love Won Out says…
Alan Chambers of Love Won Out says…
Between those two quotes, at least 190,000 ex-gays went MIA.
“Between those two quotes, at least 190,000 ex-gays went MIA.”
Maybe they’re with those societies that Kern says accepted homosexuality and only lasted a couple decades. 😛
See this is really telling of these groups, cause they are realizing they are failing and failing badly. Mainly because, ya after you get out, if you went in with wanting to change and was deeply psychologically unstable you would change, stay away from the booster meetings though? And your right back to openly sucking dick, (or the lesbian equivalent), and not just doing it in a dingy bathroom.
Also, in one instance I do wish the fundies were right and we gay people did have the power to destroy societies. I mean seriously, the political power we could wield if we could do that would be amazing.
Has there ever been a case of a heterosexual attempting to change his orientation to gay and having it work? How come it only “works” one way?
because heterosexuality is the norm. Everybody is supposed to be hetero. Get it? Everything else is a “deviancy.” Everybody starts out, and is destined to be, hetero. Until something goes wrong and something happens to them. Then they fall off the straight and narrow path as it were – and go gay.
“help men and women dissatisfied with LIVING HOMOSEXUALLY”?
That sounds like a softer version of the word ‘homosexual lifestyle’ that can be ‘overcome’. Is it not their point after all. Of all the talk on homosexuality being preventable and treatable (treatable as in getting a prescription from a doctor for some tablets?), has anyone thought of how to avoid heterosexuality from BECOMING?
Maybe someone should design a program for men and women dissatisfied with ‘living heterosexually’. After all, some these groups claim being ex-gays is a human right. Then surely they do not mind the rights to ex-straights.
Surely you’ve heard how all gays are that way because we got recruited! It was Dr. Cameron who said people turn gay because gay sex is more fun than straight sex.
Tells you just about everything you need to know about Cameron, huh?