At XGW we generally don’t give much space to fringe figures, but Stacy Harp is someone who might just end up as another Matt Barber one day, so we think it’s important to share this glimpse into her “heart and mind” for the record.
Harp and Joe Brummer have apparently had blog and email exchanges over the past couple of years and so they have a lot of history. This recording of a phone call from Harp to Brummer (recorded by the former and apparently authorized for open release) has Harp baiting Brummer into a conversation. In the process, Harp, who has claimed to be a Christian for as long as we have known about her, puts on a rather disturbing display.
Kudos to Joe for keeping his lunch down during this one.
Audio (via Kevin Kaatz): this is NOT work safe.
Alternate Link (easier to play)
Hat Tip: BTB
Wow… I am literally physically ill from listening to that conversation
I can’t get the audio. What gives?
Emily–Once the page appears, there are two white boxes, and along the top of the upper white box is a grey border, in which you can see a triangular blue “Play” button to the left of the words, “Harp phonecall.” Click it, and the audio will start.
Warning… Harp is extremely vile. “Rather disturbing” is much too kind. (More on that later.)
I can feel her hatred, i can feel it. this woman is to be pitied. her hate is eating her alive, i can feel it.
I think it is really important to have the background of that call and the reason it took so long for it to surface. I posted all of that here.
I wrote this to Stacy: “Stacy, I heard your disturbing phone call to Brummer, and while I suspect you don’t care about what I have to say, I am going to try to let you know what being gay is. Simply, being gay means someone is attracted to someone of the same sex and develops intimate relationships with them. It is far from about sex. A person can easily be gay and not have sex. My story is well known, and I went to exgay therapy only to realize my gay feelings could not disappear.
I am in a relationship for 15 1/2 years now (and yes, it is monogamous). My spouse is a mechanic on police cars, and I am a college professor. Both of us are productive members of society. I am a better person because of my spouse, and he is the only person I think I could have had a relationship with. He is the one, and we will be together until the end of our lives. It is not about sex–if it was, I would be disappointed since that has never been a driving part of our life together. So what is it about? It is about love and family. My spouse’s mother is sick and in a nursing home. Four days a week I take care of her–her husband only sees her one day a week. When my sister passed away seven years ago, my spouse hurt worse than me even. He took care of me during that difficult time. I have cancer (a rare lymphoma) and he and I work together to beat this illness. My hair has patches; I sometimes bleed, etc. He has stuck with me despite that fact that the cancer has been difficult on my body. Now, you can make fun of us and our relationships, but I can see you have no empathy, no love. You are not willing to see what life is like in our shoes. I do not hate you, but I feel sorry for you. You fail to see us as anything but sick deviants. Funny, but we are often the glue keeping people and families together.”
rude, disrespectful, obsessive, condemning, angry….Stacy is like all people like this…….they are the ones with the problem. There is always some underlying psychological issues that makes a person behave like that.
Aaron, I admire your spirit and your struggle, but I suspect you are wasting your time on Harp. Good luck with your personal battle.
Hahaha, I just couldn’t stop laughing! Why does anyone even bother listening to these people? I think most conservative Christians would consider her completely of base.
Stacey Harp’s banter is very deep seated rage, most likely from past sexual abuse undealt with. It seems the religious right extremists like her, fall in this category, and because the rage is so dramatic, they stumble terribly to have a rational conversation, because logically, they are stuck in some past horrific incident. This rampage of hers is nothing more than an addict acting out an addiction to rage. She could use help.
The venom is not really worth the time, nor is it productive. Being a survivor of sexual abuse by clergy, I know that rage, and I could not carry on a civil conversation with anti gay activists until I had dealt with it. Now my rage that short circuited my brain like Stacey demonstrated in her rant, is gone, and it is now easy to see both sides and have civil talk. The cutting off, the blaming, her obsession with butt sex, the lying, it’s all unresolved issues in her about her past.
I would love to see her resolve her issues, then study human sexuality with a clear brain. When she does this she will then be fit for rational public debate. Until then, she will keep looking like a very beat up abused dog filled with anxiety, barking uncontrollably coming off quite unprofessional and acting pathetically high maintenance. In my opinion, she is not really befitting rational sensible group engagement.
It makes sense why the religious right is distancing themselves from these extremists, they truly are an embarrasement, for us all. She’s damaging her own cause. If Stacey realizes she is actually pushing away her own support base, due to her blaring acting out of her personal rage based issues, maybe she might wake up and smell the coffee.
Be that as it may, onward with us all who are balanced and know rational thought concerning the nature of human sexuality.
Delvin Bach
PS Considering that Joe was dealing with the human version of RDS (Rabbid Dog Syndrome) he performed amazingly well.
Wow. This lady’s psychological issues stick out a mile.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
what a shame Devlin that we can’t set a fund to send people like Stacey to the therapy they so obviously and desperately need. it would make all our lives much better. Think how much better their lives would be when if they were able to deal with that ‘stuff’. whatever it is……it ain’t healthy.
“Caaaaan you feeeeel the haaaaate toniiiiight…” Ooops, have I got the wrong channel? Nope, this is the Stacy Harp channel alright….
“Homosexuality is all about putting someone’s ***** in somebody’s *******.” Did I really hear that? Repeated ad nauseum? (and I truly am feeling nauseous.)
Does anyone actually support this woman’s hateful rhetoric?
If Stacy Harp lived in my neighborhood I would have garlic around my windows, crucifxes in every room, and holy water dispensers at every door entrance.
She keeps saying “homosexuality” is all about sex. She says she’s normal. What mirror does she look at?
Joe, you should have just hung up. She is annoying. She sounds like the kind of person who shows up at a party univited and everyone keeps asking “who the heck invited her?” She’s the kind who thinks she knows how to speak Spanish because she ordered a taco from Taco Bell. You had more pacience than I would ever have. I even think Mother Theresa would have smacked her one and told her to “shut up already!”
Wow! What a heartbreaking and appalling conversation. I feel sick to my stomach. I have to commend Joe for handling that conversation as well as he did.
As a person with same-gender attraction who chooses not be in homosexual relationships due to my beliefs about homosexuality, I found Stacy’s behavior to be absolutely grievous and a disgrace to the name of Jesus. May God bring conviction to her heart, and transform her hardness into humility and grace.
That wasn’t a conversation, that was an ambush. Her intent was to back Joe into a corner and either make him feel small or disgusting, or to rattle him enough so he’d not dare cross swords with her again. You cannot listen when you are constantly interrupting. She also got a thrill out of “getting the homo” and saying all those crude things to Joe over and over again. She probably felt really good afterwards, kind of like someone who beats someone up for the fun of it.
She’s obviously very proud of herself, otherwise she would’ve never let the tape be released. She probably partly sees herself as some sort of merry prankster. “Joe, you got punk’d by me!” Probably fancies herself as the heir to Anne Coulter. But the joke is on her, she’s the one who ended up looking like a crazy person, and Joe looks like possibly the most patient and optimistic person I think I’ve ever seen. I didn’t listen to the recording, I just read the transcript, and I’m still a bit of a bundle of nerves.
But what I think is the WORST is that BTB, EGW, Pam’s House Blend and who knows what other websites are now abuzz over this. Part of me thinks that if there was a point to this, it was to get this attention. I had never heard the name Stacy Harp, but now I know it and have a very strong reaction to it. We live in an age where there’s no such thing as bad publicity, and everyone is trying to get their 15-minutes of fame in before they die. I think we just helped Stacy Harp get to the next level. The story was loosing steam in terms of discussion on The Blend, did EGW and BTB really need to pick it up? I don’t know. Something like Lawrence King or an elected official like Kern – the more exposure the better, but some vile attention-hound like Harp? I don’t know. I’m sure it won’t be long before she does something else. Hell, it won’t surprise me if we see her on Fox News in the next 2 years.
Nah, though she was looking for a fight I disagree, she went too postal. That kind of advertising is too childish vulgar for primetime, went over the line, and will backfire on her at even the lowest levels. Anne Coulter did a scene on the John Edwards comment, but she back peddled and it was mixed with negative humor, Stacey was just plain evil. No humor, big difference. Total insanity is not a big publicity draw even in this venue.
Karen K I believe you expressed the correct Christian view most will take. The darkest most conservative politician would see Stacey as a death kiss. She’s too imbalanced.
I would have hung up on her at hello but in retrospect, I am glad Joe kept on with her. Joe did prevail. He drove home common sense which in the end always prevails over inane ranting. She could have prevailed to some degree, but she dumped her own apple cart, and in the end, Joe did hang up on her and her vile nature. All in all, good going Joe.
Anthony, socialized medicine to include couseling would be one way. Canada has it and it works quite well. I’d vote yes if the U.S. ever gets to that point.
I think it is telling that since this phone call was made a year and a half ago, Stacy has pretty much faded from view. The web newsletter she wrote for folded, she doesn’t write for WND anymore (I think), and she’s now down to occassional posting on her own seldom-read site.
Neither link will play. The second link just plays a sound effect of glass breaking.
Even though I could cite a lifetime of various and sundry abuses by white folks, I have never become so hysterical, unhinged and hateful about ANYBODY in my life such as the carrying on of Stacy Harp.
However, Matt Barber isn’t much better. The barrel chested, oak necked Mr. Barber becomes a real wussie boy when it comes to his fear of homosexuals.
He’s thrown another tub of chum into Townhall today and what a feed the bigot bait had on this most recent load.
There is a serious mentally deranged quality to Harp and Barber. And the mindset of those who take the bigot bait is very disturbing. Reminiscent of past supporters of history’s worst pogroms and institutions.
THAT kind of mindset.
NO exaggeration.
It’s those people who can’t critically think and trust everything a Harp or Matt Barber would say without question that is the clue.
We are living in times of more acute uncertainty. Stagnating wages and jobs, economic downturns and bankruptcy.
These are conditions ripe for making people irrational and likely to lash out at the easiest target…as has happened so many times before.
The marriage amendment is one of those symptoms. Lashing out the Day of Silence is another. Accepting felons in the military instead of gay people is another.
Yes, Harp and Barber and their ilk ARE trying to tell us something.
That they are SO insanely irrational, that it’s better to put EVERYONE at risk, than accept they are very wrong about gay people altogether.
It seems to be working now.
Is there an mp3 we can just go grab somewhere?
Well, the link worked for me. Why didn’t he just hang up on her? There’s no point in trying to dialog with hatemongers like that. If it were me, I might have included some choice insults, but I don’t care what hateful people like that think of me.
I think she needs to have her head examined – but it won’t be a very pretty picture that emerges from that examination.
“Does anyone actually support this woman’s hateful rhetoric?”
I see my mother supporting her. And one of my brothers. And my dad… And my grandma probably.
You see, there are no gay models here. Ppl here see what they are taught to see.
When someone compares this to peadophilia/bestiality/crapiality… there is NO WAY you can convince them thats its NOT about sex. There IS a difference, they know, but none that actually categorize it somewhere else, say… on the same ground as heterosexuality maybe.
And even if she believed, say, someone like Aaron.
Aaron… thanks for sharing. Not to discredit your testimony, but i HAVE seen testimonies of 13year olds(now older and NOT peadophiles) saying how they fell in love with a much older ‘peadophile’ and how society could only view it as ‘molestation’. Moreover, they say they would still be with the much older male if it wasnt due to their families destroying that authentic love. As there are peadophiles that do not view it as a primary sex thing. There are christians that know this… and thus, are not compassionate to positively credit a ‘perversion’ due to testimonies. Even less… curb their beliefs and ground them on any love other than God’s.
I would like to add to my earlier post. Gays draw the line before peadophilia. And the so-called bigots draw the line before homosexuality with a statement something along the same lines most gay/pro-gay use to condemn peadophilia. “Homosexuals are defective humans. They do not love. They merely lust. It is the root of deviancy and decadence. Like all defective things, human or not, they must be repaired…”
“You see, there are no gay models here. Ppl here see what they are taught to see. ”
That seems to sum up your viewpoint pretty well.
Joel, let’s be accurate. If the minor is post-pubescent, then the adult is NOT a pedophile, but a hebephile. Pedophiles are into pre-pubescent children exclusively, the attraction is the lack of body hair and masculine/feminine adult body characteristics.
I have a hard time believing a 7-year old “fell in love” with a 47-year old, and still believes that once reaching maturity.
ephebeophile, Jason. Hebephiles are people who are sexually attracted to Jews.
I stand corrected.
that was a joke, you know.
Of course, I just didn’t have a witty remark
Also feel bad for further a discussion of the “p-word”.