One of the most basic beliefs of the Christian faith is that Jesus died so that sinners did not have to do anything to earn God’s forgiveness and love. Exodus International, being a Christian organization, believes just that:

We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet was without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)
Because of Jesus, we don’t have to worry about screwing up and falling out of favor with God, and we don’t ever have to try to earn God’s love.
–from the December 2007 Exodus Youth newsletter

forgivenessThe question being posted in this topic is: If God’s love is already upon Christians because of their faith in Jesus, and they have to do nothing to earn it, how is it many Christians and Christian organizations can justify ostracizing homosexuals? After all, every Christian is a sinner that is justified through faith, so their sexual acts should have nothing to do with how much God loves them.

I’m posing this question to practicing Christians. All faiths and creeds are free to discuss this topic, but anti-faith comments are not productive in this discussion.

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