In a recent post we called attention to an odd article at CitizenLink from June 28. The author claimed to know the attendance figures of the Ex-Gay Survivors conference held last weekend in Irvine, California. Strangely enough, the article was posted a full day before anyone was to even show up for the conference — there is simply no way it could have been true. The numbers are irrelevant, there was no conference yet from which to gather the information.
Jennifer Mesko, associate editor for CitizenLink and apparently the author of the first article, wrote another one on Tuesday in which she rants and ravs about “gay-activist bloggers” (namely yours truly).
Apparently miffed at the reference to “100 people,” Roberts accused me of “supplying attendance figures seemingly out of thin air.” But I got the numbers from reliable people who attended both conferences – although their thinness is not a matter of record.
Soulforce, which sponsored the counter-conference — although the group denies it was a counter-conference — notified Focus by e-mail about my “errors,” and Roberts told everyone about that.
Skipping the idea that I was miffed over the number itself, how can Ms. Mesko truthfully claim that “reliable people” had attended a conference which would not start until the next evening? Is this honest reporting? She even admits to having received the correction request from Soulforce yet still she did nothing to fix it.
Mesko goes on to confuse commenters with blog authors so it gets muddy, but one can almost hear her giggle with excitement as she mentions “the photo.” She links to a photo of some Survivors conference attendees taken Saturday evening as validation. She claims there are just over 50 people in the photo (I didn’t count them) and springs this in an “ah ha” moment, proof that she was right all along. As others who attended can verify, those who did not feel comfortable being photographed wore a green dot on their name tags — a practice similar to that of Exodus at their conferences. Also, this was late in the day, long after the official events had concluded and many had gone home. Still more people were being interviewed by media and so the group photo was not meant to be comprehensive.
All that said, and it really should have been obvious anyway, Mesko has totally ignored the original point. How did her “reliable people” attend and report on the attendance of a conference that was not there? And one must also ask, how many other reports on CitizenLink use equally “reliable sources”?
Edit 7/4: Corrected the day the picture was taken, it was late Saturday, not Sunday.
Jennifer is just jealous that the ex-ex conference had 33 times as many attendees as the Exodus conference, as can be confirmed from this photo of the Exodus conference attendees:
I can’t believe Mesko takes the moral high ground on this while entirely ignoring the central fact against her – that she gave 100 as a figure before the conference had even begun. With that in mind, who she got the information from is a moot point.
Her comments about journalism also show she knows very little about the editorial process here at XGW.
Boo, that made me laugh. Nice one.
You can’t blame your sources. You can only blame yourself for trusting FAULTY sources. Dan Rather knows a lot about that now – and if the same act can bring down a respected journalist with at least 30 years experience like him, it can bring down anyone.
Talk about petty. Is Mesko’s point here to say that because one conference had more participants than the other their cause is more valid? Seems to bit adolescent to me.
Perhaps at CitizenLink they allow writers to just slap anything up without review in amateur fashion
CitizenLink has been focused on a logical fallacy from the beginning. The number of people at a conference means nothing. What is being proved by such numbers? Exodus has a larger forum and advertising budget to begin with. Most of the people at the Exodus conference are parents and religious figures, not exgays. So what does it mean if one conference is larger than another? Nothing. At the local Carl’s the homeless way outnumber the homed, what does that mean? Nothing.
I find this funny: “As Christian journalists, we adhere as best we can to truth and accuracy. But many of those on the other side of the issues we fight – particularly bloggers – aren’t guided by those principles.” All the Christian journalists I am aware of actually modify info for agenda purposes–come on: Agape News, 700 Club news, WorldNetDaily all present filtered info. Even Conservapedia takes info and subverts it for message purpose. I trust Christian journalists (and lawyers) about as far as I can throw them–just a joke.
In keeping with the adolescent nature if Ms. Meskow’s
comments, I must remark on how much more attractive and cooler the ex gay survivours are as compared to the exodus group
Keep in mind that the Survivor’s conference (accordng to my own on-site count) had nearly 3 times as many attendees as the first EXODUS conference. Think how many more victims of EXODUS’s destructive message are “out there somewhere” — and who could not attend the conference to experience the real healing that took place in Irvine. Let’s pray for the many others, injured and ignored by EXODUS, who could not or did not attend.
I’ll add here what I just posted over at Box Turtle Bulletin:
I’ve been meaning for some time to tell you just how much I appreciate your approach to this whole situation. I’ve seen few people wade through this “mess” of the last few weeks with as much grace, intelligence, kindness, generosity and empathy as you. There are many of us who could learn a great deal from you. Thanks
Jennifer Mesko is misguided, misguided, misguided.
I beg to differ… I believe Jennifer Mesko should take more math lessons starting from nursery level since she does not know how to count beyond 100… The crystal ball lessons she is currently taking is really dragging her mind into delusion….
Like all Citizenlink propagandists, she’s forgotten her first love, Joseph Goebbels:
…or she could just buy a calendar.
Michael Busee said: “Think how many more victims of EXODUS’s destructive message are “out there somewhere” — and who could not attend the conference to experience the real healing that took place in Irvine.”
Thank you, and I also want thank you for speaking out and apologizing publicly even though the folks at Exodus are still bashing you and the people who’s lives they continue to exploit or have exploited. I laughed when I read Alan’s “apology” message that was in my estimation nothing but more hurtful digs and obvious insults to you, Jeremy and Darlene. He can’t possibly not see how co-dependent that entire message turned out. If anything he blindly ignores it.
Cheers to you and for the work of Ex-gay Survivors everywhere!