Distraught over your family member’s homosexuality?

Perhaps the Exodus flagship live-in program “Love In Action” can help.

Having recently discontinued one flawed youth program, LIA is targeting youths in other ways.

One program, the so-called Family Freedom Intensive, indoctrinates parents in a four-day program of gender-role and sexual stereotypes, along with an unhealthy dose of religious judgmentalism.

As LIA survivor and former ex-homosexual Peterson Toscano observes, the cost of this program is so high — $2,000 for four days — that low- and moderate-income parents need not apply … unless they read the fine print.

Are you the parent of a gay person? How much are you willing to pay to be blamed for your child’s same-sex attraction, and how much are you willing to donate to be told that your child will go to hell unless you — and your family — adopt Exodus political and social ideologies?

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